
auto repair

How can an Auto Repair Shop Business Owner become a Confident Leader?

How can an Auto Repair Shop Business Owner become a Confident Leader?

Are you an auto repair shop owner looking to transform your business? Do you need to evolve from a mere business owner into a confident leader? At You Net Results, we understand the distinct challenges of running an auto repair shop. 

That’s why we will guide you through the essential steps to master a turnaround for your business. Whether you’re facing financial difficulties, struggling with team management, or simply looking to take your shop to the next level, we’ve got you covered.

The Road to Transformation For an Auto Repair Business Owner

As a business owner, you know why it’s important to keep up with the changes in the  automotive industry. However, in addition to technical skills are not enough. You must master leadership in order to navigate the business side. Below, we explore the key strategies and insights to help you become a confident leader in the auto repair industry.

Assess Your Current Situation

The first step in any turnaround is assessing your current situation honestly. Are you experiencing declining profits, struggling to attract new customers, or facing internal conflicts within your team? Identifying your pain points will help you tailor a specific action plan to address your challenges.

Define Your Leadership Style

Successful turnaround starts with strong leadership. At You Net Results, we’ll help you identify your leadership style, as well as areas needing improvement. Whether you’re a hands-on leader or prefer a more strategic approach, knowing your strengths and weaknesses will help you make informed decisions.

Team Development

Your staff is the backbone of your auto repair shop. A confident leader understands the importance of both team development and effective communication. We’ll provide you with tools and strategies to build a motivated and productive team that shares your vision for the business.

Financial Management

Financial challenges can be a significant roadblock for many auto repair shop owners. We will work with you to create a sustainable financial plan, from budgeting to revenue optimization, to ensure the long-term success of your business.

Customer Experience

In today’s competitive market, excellent customer service is non-negotiable. Our team at You Net Results will help you create a customer-centric approach, improving your shop’s reputation and attracting a loyal client base.

A Business Owner Guide To Becoming a Confident Leader

Confident leadership doesn’t just come by wishing it; You must possess certain qualities such as:

Decision Making When a Business Owner Wants to Become a Better Leader

Confident leaders should not be afraid to make tough decisions. That’s why at You Net Results, we show you how to make strategic decisions, and manage risks, as well as create a staff culture of accountability.

Time Management

When you are an auto repair shop business owner, your time is precious. We teach you how to manage your time effectively and delegate tasks, so you can prioritize activities that impact your business the most.

Continuous Learning for a Business Owner

The automotive industry is constantly evolving. Therefore as a leader, you must stay informed. We’ll help you develop a habit of continuous learning, so you can stay ahead of industry trends, and adapt to change.

We Want To Help Your Business Grow At You Net Results

Mastering a turnaround from a business owner to a confident leader in the auto repair industry is a journey requiring dedication, perseverance, and the right guidance. When you trust You Net Results to guide your business, we will support you every step of the way. Our experience working with auto repair shop owners has given us invaluable insights into the unique challenges you face. Remember, your success is also our success. 

Are you ready to transform your auto repair business by becoming a confident leader? Then  schedule an appointment with us. Together, we’ll pave the way for a brighter future for your shop and establish your authority in the auto repair industry.

Photo by Tim Mossholder On UnsplashPhoto by Tim Mossholder On Unsplash

We will soon bid farewell to the old year and welcome the new. Now is the perfect time to reflect on your auto repair business and set some realistic auto repair New Years resolutions. At You Net Results, we understand the unique challenges auto repair shop owners face. Hence, in this blog, we’ll guide you through some key goals that can change your auto repair shop and set you on a path to long-term success. Let’s examine them.

Auto Repair New Years Resolutions #1: Streamline Operations

One of the most crucial resolutions for an auto repair business is streamlining operations. This means optimizing your workflow, reducing unnecessary downtime, and ensuring that your team operates efficiently. Consider automating routine tasks, implementing a reliable software system, and providing regular training for your staff. Our Auto Service Advisor Training can help you achieve these goals, so your shop will be more efficient and profitable.

#2: Invest in Training and Development 

Your team is your greatest asset. In the auto repair industry, staying updated with the latest technologies and repair techniques is essential. Resolve to invest in training and development programs for your service advisors, technicians, and customer service staff. You Net Results offers comprehensive training programs in order to improve your team’s knowledge and skills, which will enhance the customer experience.

#3: Enhance Customer Experience 

Customer satisfaction should always be a top priority. Make a resolution to go the extra mile in providing excellent customer service. Encourage your service advisors to communicate clearly with clients, explain repairs, and offer honest estimates. Happy customers not only return but also refer others to your shop. Our ARA (Auto Repair Advisor) program equips your team with the skills to exceed customer expectations.

Auto Repair New Years Resolutions #4: Set Clear Financial Goals 

Financial stability is key to the long-term success of your auto repair business. Set specific financial goals for the year, such as growing revenue, reducing expenses, or raising profit margins. Regularly monitor your financial performance, then make necessary adjustments. You Net Results offers financial coaching to help you navigate the financial aspect of your business successfully.

#5: Embrace Technology 

The auto repair industry is constantly evolving with new technologies and diagnostic tools. Staying up-to-date is essential for providing high-quality service. Resolve to embrace technology and invest in the latest equipment. You Net Results can help you select the right tools and technology in order to improve diagnostics and efficiency.

#6: Implement a Marketing Plan 

Effective marketing is important for attracting new customers and retaining existing ones. Make a resolution in order to create a marketing plan for your auto repair business. Utilize online marketing, social media, and email campaigns so you can reach your target audience. Our website has a dedicated blog on “Auto Service Advisor Marketing Strategies” that can provide more info.

Auto Repair New Years Resolutions #7: Monitor Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

In order to track your progress, establish a set of key performance indicators (KPIs) for your business. This can include metrics such as customer retention rates, average repair order value, and technician productivity. Regularly review these KPIs so you can use the data to make informed decisions and improvements.

We Can Help You Reach Your New Years Goals!

The beginning of a new year is the perfect time to set goals for your auto repair business. By following all that we have mentioned in this blog, you can position your business for growth and success in 2024.

At You Net Results, we’re here to help you keep these resolutions. Our Auto Service Advisor Training and other programs empower both auto repair shop owners and their teams. Make 2024 a year of prosperity and excellence for your business by taking the first step toward improving. Contact You Net Results today, so we can help you get started. Book a complimentary consultation. Brian Gillis and our team will help you create the best marketing strategy for your business. Build trust, showcase expertise, and ensure repeat business. Let’s make 2024 the best year of your business life!

As an auto repair shop owner, we’re sure you understand the importance of a reliable, efficient, and knowledgeable team. However, to find and mentor the right talent is more complex than ordering parts for a tune-up. But not to worry, that’s why we are here to guide you!

In this blog, we’ll share expert insights on how to build exceptional auto repair team, then guide them. If you ever need personalized help, schedule an appointment with us at You Net Results.

The Importance of a Strong Team

Before diving into the steps to build your team, it’s crucial to understand why a strong team is vital for your auto repair shop. A skilled team brings in the required skills, elevates customer satisfaction, and promotes a positive workplace. These factors directly impact your bottom line, making team building and mentorship non-negotiable elements in your business plan.

Recruitment: The Foundation of Your Team

The first step to building a formidable team is to get the right people. As much as possible, pay attention to the following:

  1. Identifying Core Competencies: List the technical skills, certifications, and soft skills essential for your shop.
  2. Advertising: Utilize job boards, social media, and industry contacts to reach potential candidates. Ensure your job postings clearly articulate the skills and experience you seek.
  3. Interview Process: During the interviews, assess technical prowess and soft skills like communication, teamwork, and problem-solving abilities.

Training: Equip Your Team for Success

Don’t stop there once you’ve found and recruited the right people for your company. Go the extra mile and provide them with the following:

  1. Orientation: Give new hires an overview of your shop’s operations, safety protocols, and customer service expectations.
  2. Skill Training: Use hands-on training and mentorship programs to bridge the skill gaps in your new hires.
  3. Continuous Learning: Encourage and facilitate ongoing training programs, industry certifications, and courses.

Standard Operating Procedures are also key here! 

The Key to Retention? Mentor Your Team

Many employers often overlook this part, but you shouldn’t. Your business grows significantly depending on how much improvement and growth is happening to your employees. To ensure this, make sure to embrace:

  1. Pairing: Matchless experienced team members with seasoned professionals for mentorship.
  2. Scheduled Check-ins: Hold weekly or bi-weekly one-on-one meetings in order to discuss performance, concerns, and opportunities for improvement.
  3. Professional Development Plans: Work with your team members to create personalized growth plans, setting achievable milestones.

Team Building for Mentors: Beyond Skills and Tools

As you train, also ensure you are fostering teamwork among your employees. Use; 

  1. Team Meetings: Conduct regular meetings to address issues and celebrate achievements.
  2. Incentives: Offer bonuses, raises, and other incentives to motivate and reward your team.
  3. Work-Life Balance: Promote a wholesome work-life balance with both flexible schedules and paid time off.

Measuring Success: KPIs for Your Team

Keep an eye on Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) such as:

  • Customer satisfaction ratings
  • Average repair time
  • Employee turnover rates
  • Revenue per employee

These metrics will help you gauge the efficiency of your team-building, as well as your  mentorship efforts.

Next Steps to Build and Mentor Your Staff

Building and mentoring an auto repair team is a long-term investment. Still, the rewards are many: happier employees, satisfied customers, and a healthier bottom line. At You Net Results, we believe in empowering auto repair shop owners with both the tools and the knowledge to excel. Our coaching programs are designed to address your specific challenges and provide practical solutions for achieving your business goals. When the landscape is competitive, you can’t afford to settle for a mid level team. Partner with us so you can make your staff your greatest asset!

You Net Results Is Here For You! 

Contact You Net Results today, so we can help you begin the process. Book a complimentary consultation. Brian Gillis & team will help you build your leadership foundation and plug you into a vast network of auto repair shops, working together to strengthen the industry! Let’s make October the best month of your business life!

Increase efficiency and reduce your costs by measuring your auto repair shop processes!

As business coaching company for auto repair shop owners, one crucial aspect we’ve seen shops neglect is measuring processes. Precision helps shop owners find issues, reduce costs, and improve efficiency. This article stresses computing auto repair processes, so let’s dive in!

Introduction: Insights Into Efficiency

Running an auto repair shop comes with its own set of challenges. From handling customer expectations to making complex repairs, there is a lot on a shop owner’s plate. However, many shop owners don’t realize the power of gauging the steps taken for each repair. You can gain valuable insights into your operations and make data-driven choices by tracking and analyzing key metrics.

Importance of Measuring Auto Repair Processes

Identifying Inefficiencies

Measuring auto repair processes shines a light on shortfalls that cost your shop both time and money. Pinpoint areas of improvement by tracking metrics such as cycle time and first-time fix rate. Do certain repair jobs always take longer than expected? That may indicate a need for either more training or better workflow.

Reducing Cost

Cost control is a top priority for any business owner. Auto repair shops are no exception. Measuring your repair processes helps identify ways to save money. Analyze metrics like technician yield and parts usage. Those could uncover expenses to reduce, all without losing quality. This can then lead to big savings over time.

Improving Efficiency

Efficiency is vital to running a successful auto repair shop. Measuring each process helps you identify holdups and simplify operations. By tracking metrics related to workflow and resource usage, you can adjust them in order to optimize efficiency. This leads to both faster turnaround times, and increased customer satisfaction. Not to mention higher profits!

Implementing a Measurement System to Increase Efficiency

Installing a measurement system for your auto repair processes requires careful planning and execution. Follow the steps below:

Define Your Goals

Start by clearly stating your goals. What specific outcomes do you want to achieve? Examples could include reducing cycle time by 20%, or increasing the first-time fix rate to 90%. Define clear goals in order to guide your measurement efforts.

Select Appropriate Metrics

Choose metrics that both align with your goals and provide the right insights. Consider critical metrics like cycle time, first time fix rate, technician output, and customer satisfaction. Tailor the metrics to your shop’s unique needs and goals.

Collecting and Analyzing Data

Establish a way to collect and analyze your chosen metrics’ data. You may need to use niche software or manual tracking methods. Ensure that the data collection process is accurate and consistent, as well as reliable.

Taking Action

Collecting data is only valuable if you take action. Regularly review the data and note your problem areas. Work with your team to write action plans and make changes, in order to address shortfalls and improve every aspect of your business.

Benefits of Measuring Auto Repair Processes

The perks of gauging your auto repair processes are numerous. Here are some rewards you can expect:

Identifying What’s Blocking Your Efficiency

When you measure your repair actions, you can identify bottlenecks that hinder workflow. Does a specific repair task take too long? Do you have too few resources? Then address these shortfalls for the highest efficiency.

Streamlining Operations

Measure your auto repair approaches in order to streamline tasks. This eliminates steps that are both needless and redundant. Optimizing workflow, resources, and communication improves your overall efficiency. This will reduce both errors and delays.

Enhancing Customer Experience

A precise, efficient repair process creates a better customer experience. Exceed customer trust and foster loyalty by reducing repair times, increasing first-time fix rates, and delivering exceptional service. Satisfied customers are more likely to both return and recommend your shop to others.

Conclusion: Measuring Processes For Efficiency

Measuring your auto repair processes can both reduce costs and improves efficiency. When you track key metrics, find problem areas, and make data driven changes, you can streamline tasks and provide a better customer service. Don’t count out the impact measurement can have on success.

You Net Results

Contact You Net Results today to begin the process. Book a complimentary consultation. Brian Gillis and our team will help you start your leadership foundation. Our vast network of auto repair shops works together to build up the industry. Let’s make August the best month of your business life!

piggy bank showing your ability to save money in a tough economy and increase car countEconomic scares affect every industry, even relatively recession proof businesses like auto repair. The main goal of every auto repair shop is to maintain or increase car count. How can you do that though when times are tough? Customers in dire financial straits tend to put off auto repair maintenance in lieu of other expenses. In this article, I share my top tips to increase car count, even when the times are tough.

Want To Increase Car Count? Let’s Examine the Challenges Involved

Before diving into the tips, we must understand the challenges that auto repair shop owners may face in a down economy. When people feel the pinch, they often cut back on nonessential expenses. This may include both car repairs and scheduled maintenance. Additionally, competition can be fierce in the auto repair industry. Standing out and attracting customers can be difficult.

Tips To Increase Car Count

Here are some places where you can start to increase car count in a struggling economy:

Price vs. Value

In a tough economy, most people are more price sensitive than ever before. That is why offering a value first approach to your sales efforts is key. Your marketing and sales team wants to help customers understand your service’s value.

People try to save more money in a struggling economy. Is it really saving money when you put off your vehicle maintenance for another day, though? Sell the future value of what your maintenance brings. In reality, you can help people avoid costly future repairs when times might be even worse.

Consider offering specials or promotions to entice new customers. Just make sure that you still make a profit. Dive deep into your copywriting. If you need help, then try AI for inspiration!

Focus on Customer Service To Increase Car Count

Providing exceptional customer service is the most effective way to attract and retain customers. Make sure that your team is friendly, knowledgeable, and helpful. Train your staff to go above and beyond in addressing customer concerns, while ensuring your shop is clean and inviting.

Leverage Social Media

Social media is one of the most effective tools for reaching new customers, as well as keeping your existing customers engaged. Having a Facebook page for your business is a no brainer. It is so important to regularly post updates, promotions, and helpful tips. Encourage your customers to follow you on social media and to leave reviews on your page.

Utilize Google My Business and start a review campaign. Contact previous customers and then ask them to share their experiences with your shop. The more reviews you have, the higher you will rank in Google’s SERPs.

Offer Financing Options

Many people hesitate to repair their cars because of the cost. When you offer financing options, it can help alleviate this concern, making it easier for customers to get their repairs. Consider partnering with a financing company in order to offer your customers payment plans or other financing options. It’s all about lowering the barriers to entry, thus helping more people trickle into your shop.

Expand Your Auto Repair Services

Offering a more comprehensive range of services can both attract new customers and increase revenue. Consider expanding your services to include additional repairs, maintenance, or other offerings, such as car washes or detailing services.

Focus on Efficiency

Efficiency is so critical in the auto repair industry, especially in a down economy. Train your team to work efficiently and effectively in order to reduce repair times and increase productivity. This can help you serve more customers to increase car count and revenue.

Build Your Relationships with Local Businesses

Networking and building relationships with other businesses in your community also helps to attract new customers. Consider partnering with local dealerships, car rental agencies, or other companies outside your industry that can refer customers to your shop.

Increase Car Count By Using Email Marketing

Email marketing is a surefire method to stay in touch with your existing customers and keep them engaged. Consider sending regular newsletters or promotions to your email list to encourage repeat business. Mailchimp and other companies offer free tiers, so you can test out their services.

Focus on Branding

Branding is important to any industry. It can be especially important in auto repair. Ensure that your shop has a strong brand that stands out from your competitors. Create a logo, tagline, and other memorable branding elements that will help build brand recognition. What if nobody in your company has a knack for these tasks? Outsource them to a qualified graphic designer or marketing agency in your area.

Offer Free Inspections or Diagnostics

Free inspections or diagnostics may help attract new customers. This may encourage them to bring their cars in for repairs. This can also help you identify additional repairs that need to be done. This is a straightforward method to increase your revenue.

Join You Net Results and Increase Your Car Count Today

Increasing your auto repair shop’s car count in a struggling economy is challenging. By focusing on customer service, value-based sales, and leveraging social media, business owners can attract and retain customers. By using these strategies, we can stay competitive in a tough economy and keep growing their businesses.

Contact You Net Results today in order to begin the process. Book a complimentary consultation. Brian Gillis and his team will help you build your leadership foundation. Plug into a vast network of auto repair shops. We all work together to strengthen the industry! Let’s make May the best month of your business life!

Brian Gillis and the You Net Results group discuss the concept of auto repair speed of service – or SOS. What systems can you put in place to quickly identify the “one thing” that needs repair on the customer’s vehicle? How quickly can you fix it so they are safely on their way?

Speed of Service - Mechanic Helping Auto Repair CustomerSpeed of Service  Concept – What and How

Brian starts the clip by breaking down the SOS concept. We have to have all of our systems in place in order to quickly resolve customers’ needs. We must properly train all staff on their duties in order. Only then can we process cars more efficiently, while not missing opportunities.

Eric clarifies that the heart of the Speed of Service concept is how quickly we can return our customer’s vehicle to them. He likens it to a visit to a doctor’s office. Normally, we come in and fill out our pre-visit paperwork. Then, we wait to be called back to the doctor. What if we came in and were immediately called back without filling out the proper paperwork first? How strange would that be? We would doubtless feel uncomfortable in that situation. In the same way, Eric doesn’t want a customer to even sit down before his staff have identified “one thing” the vehicle needs.

Joe adds that we ease customers’ minds with our ability to quickly identify that one thing. Brian then presents the secret move to starting the Speed of Service chain of events – get the customer’s keys and hand them off to a General Service Technician before you even start data entry. By the time you are done entering data, your GS has performed a thorough visual inspection. The customer is still at the counter, and you can share information on an issue you can help them with.

Finally, Brian adds another helpful hint. We need to take inventory of all of our key to key systems. When we do this, we will find areas that are costing us time. Shaving down a few minutes here and there will make a huge difference in improving Speed of Service.

Learn More – Book Your FREE Strategy Session

Does your auto repair shop lack direction? Perhaps your business plan has stalled out, and you need an experienced automotive industry coach to help you. Then why not schedule a FREE business strategy session with guide Brian Gillis? You’ve got nothing to lose, so sign up today!

Does your auto repair shop charge for automotive inspections? If not, why not? Whether a customer needs a pre-trip check, a brake inspection, or a full vehicle inspection, your technician’s time and your service advisor’s time are worth charging for. Some shop owners have experienced customers taking advantage of them by getting a free inspection from your shop and getting the repair done at a rival shop! Others do not feel it is fair to charge for inspections. Still, others offer tiers of inspections, ranging from free to charging different amounts. This is a great discussion about the philosophy behind whether or not we should charge customers for inspections.

Always charge for Automotive Inspections - Your Technicians' time is worth money.

Automotive Inspections – Time Is Money

Jerry outlined the model featuring three levels of inspection: A basic inspection, which is free; a more thorough mid-level inspection for a nominal fee; and a thorough, complete inspection, costing more. His experience? Most people are willing to pay for the mid level vehicle inspection, rather than going for the free basic package. Bottom line: it is not fair to ask your technician to work for free, or for you to pay him or her when you are not being paid by the customer.

Pam joined the discussion, pointing this out from a Service Writer’s perspective. Customers understand there is value in our work. They come expecting to pay for it, or at least they should. If your Service Advisor explains the value of the inspection, customers will be happy to pay for it. If they are not receptive, the chances are that your front counter employee is not asking enough questions.

For example, if a customer says their Check Engine Light is on, your Service Writer should be asking if they have noticed any issues with the vehicle’s performance. If you don’t ask, there is a good chance your technicians may not know where to look for the problem. Then, when you fail to fix the issue, the customer will rightfully hold you accountable.

Scott makes the point that many of his older clients do not drive much, but will take a long trip once or twice a year to see family. They enter the shop, asking for a pre-trip inspection, and are happy to pay for it. That peace of mind is so valuable. Opening the hood for the inspection also creates opportunities to sell more work if necessary.

What Are Your Competitors Doing?

Fred added that his Service Writer recently called around to other shops, asking how much they charged for automotive inspections. He was surprised to know how high their fees were to inspect customers’ vehicles. Since the market is bearing it, he found it necessary to raise his own inspection fees.

Jerry gave an example of the basic inspection in action. His shop offers a free 15-minute visual “no wrench” inspection. From just a few minutes of eyeballing the engine and wheels,  his technicians can recommend premium services such as a full brake inspection. Again, customers who come in and let us inspect their vehicles should expect to pay for our services ultimately. Obviously, if a more thorough brake inspection is in order, Jerry’s shop rolls the cost of the inspection into the repair charge.

Bottom line? Don’t give away free full vehicle automotive inspections. Many times, customers will take advantage of your generosity and get the work done elsewhere.

Ready For The Next Step? Book Your FREE Strategy Session!

Brian Gillis - You Net ResultsYour auto repair shop lacks direction. Maybe your business plan has stalled out, and you aren’t meeting your goals. You need an experienced automotive industry coach to help you. Then why not schedule a FREE business strategy session with You Net Results guide Brian Gillis? You’ve got nothing to lose, so sign up today!

Here is a clip from one of our weekly Working On It Tuesday training webinars. This week, the topic in question is our leadership process. Brian details the six steps to auto shop leadership mastery, also known as The Lotus Code.

Use the Lotus Code to learn leadership mastery for your people.The Lotus Code in Action for Auto Repair Shop Leaders

When automotive industry owners want to up their leadership game, it’s great to have an ordered list which they can refer to. Our Auto Repair Leadership Process is based on the Lotus Code, which is an ancient six step method for success. In order, the six steps are:

  1. Thinking
  2. Words
  3. Action
  4. Habits
  5. Perseverance
  6. Attainment

The other owners on the call recalled Gary Gunn teaching this age old concept to them many years ago. Brian then goes over the history of the Lotus Code, which is over 2500 years old. Mastering your goals always involves these six steps, in this order. Whether it’s a simple task such as cleaning your house, or a more complex one like managing your auto repair shop’s daily operations, this is how it comes together.

When the Lotus Code is applied correctly, we think through our task. Then, we verbalize our plan. We take action, and with repetition, those actions grow into habits. Although obstacles can (and will) arise, we take step five, which is Perseverance, to conquer them. Finally, through that perseverance, we reach step six, Attainment. Only then can we call ourselves masters. As any shop owner knows from experience, mastery will only come through hard work and focus.

Learn More – Schedule Your FREE Strategy Session

Does your auto repair shop lack direction? Perhaps your business plan has stalled out, and you need an experienced automotive industry coach to help you. Then why not schedule a FREE business strategy session with Brian? You’ve got nothing to lose, so sign up today!

Here is a great discussion on how we can document an auto repair invoice. In this clip, Brian and our guest Keith begin the process of writing a ten step SOP on building automotive repair invoices.

Auto Repair Invoice - Service Advisor Helping Automotive CustomerAuto Repair Invoice – When And How

Brian starts out the segment by setting the ground rules of the SOP. The front of house staff, specifically the Service Advisor at the desk, is responsible for writing the auto repair invoice. When you write a Standard Operating Procedure, you number the steps in order to clearly describe how the job is done. In this case, your front of house staff will have  a handy guide to refer to when questions come up.

It is also a great idea for you to review this and other SOPs regularly when in team meetings and one on one’s in order to keep everyone sharp. Sometimes, it will help for individuals to taylor certain steps and scripts to their own strengths. However, when you have one standard form on hand for the whole team to reference, it makes a huge difference.

Auto Repair Invoice SOP Step 1

Next, Brian called on Keith to provide step one. Before we fill anything else out, we will need to gather the customer’s contact and vehicle information. The first question we always need to answer is “Why is the vehicle here?” Then, from there, we can fill in the rest of the blanks on the SOP.

Learn More – Book Your FREE Strategy Session Today

Does your independent auto repair shop business lack direction? Maybe your initial business plan has stalled out. You need to hire an experienced automotive industry coach who can help you. So why not schedule a FREE business strategy session today with Brian Gillis? You have got nothing to lose, so sign up today!


Gary Gunn quizzes YNR Members on how they define auto repair leadership. Repair Shop Owners need to learn key skills in order to be effective leaders in their automotive businesses.

Auto Repair Leadership - your vision is handed down to your staff and customers.Auto Repair Leadership Defined

Gary opens by asking the group how they define auto repair leadership. Each of our YNR members contribute valuable takes in this clip.

Joe says a true leader knows the direction that automotive business is going. Pam adds that that leaders set the tone and pace of the business. The owner leads by making sure everyone focuses on the main goals and the team doesn’t go off on tangents. Brian Gillis has mentioned before that every auto shop has a “speed up / slow down” rhythm. The owner must ensure that everyone keeps that pace.

Fred reminds us that leaders must set month to month goals for staff. Owners lead by creating processes. They also have to continually seek ways to improve those processes.

Jerry adds that auto repair leadership means defining a repair shop’s vision. Then it is up to the owner to lead by example.

Gary Recommends Leadership Resources

All of these definitions included aspects of leadership. However, Gary has more to add. Since he is a certified eMyth coach, Gary Gunn has learned leadership methods inside and out from Michael Gerber. John Maxwell also has great leadership training resources, which dig much deeper. Remember, core tenets of the job may never change. However, changing times could mean new problems to solve.

Learn More – Book Your FREE Strategy Session

Does your independent auto repair shop lack direction? Perhaps your business plan has stalled out. So you need an experienced automotive industry coach to help you. Then why not schedule a FREE business strategy session with Brian Gillis? You’ve got nothing to lose, so sign up today!