

Increase efficiency and reduce your costs by measuring your auto repair shop processes!

As business coaches for auto repair shop owners, we have seen so many shops ignore one crucial aspect. That is measuring their processes. Precision helps shop owners find issues and reduce costs. The bottom line is that measuring systems improves your efficiency. This article stresses gauging your auto repair systems, so let’s dive in!

Introduction: Insights Into Efficiency

Running an auto repair shop comes with its own set of unique challenges. From handling customer expectations to making complex repairs, there is a lot on a shop owner’s plate. However, many shop owners do not know the power of gauging the steps they must take for each and every repair. You can gain many big insights into what you do when you do so. Then, you can make crucial data driven choices by tracking and studying your key metrics.

The Importance of Measuring Your Auto Repair Processes

Listing Your Shop’s Own Issues

When you measure your auto repair systems, it will shine a light on shortfalls that cost your shop both time and money. Pinpoint the areas of improvement by tracking metrics such as cycle time and first-time fix rate. Do certain repair jobs always take longer than expected? That may show a need for either more training or a better workflow.

Reducing Your Costs

Cost control is a top priority for any business owner. This is true, regardless of what industry they happen to work in. Auto repair shops are no exception to this rule. When you measure out your automotive repair processes, it will help you to identify the ways you can save money. Analyze such metrics as your technician yield and your parts usage. Those could uncover many expenses you need to reduce, all without losing quality. This can then lead your shop to big time savings over the long haul.

Improving Efficiency

Efficiency is a vital component to running a successful auto repair shop. Measuring each process will help you identify your holdups and simplify your day to day operations. By tracking the metrics related to workflow and resource usage, you can adjust them in order to optimize your efficiency. This will lead you to both faster turnaround times and increased customer satisfaction. Not to mention you will see higher profits!

Implementing a Measurement System to Increase Efficiency

When you install a measurement system for your auto repair processes, it will require both careful planning and precise execution. Follow the four steps below:

Define What Your Goals Are

Start by clearly stating what your auto shop’s business goals are. What specific outcomes do you want to achieve in the future? Some examples could include reducing your cycle time by 20%, or perhaps increasing the first-time fix rate to 90%. Be sure that you define clear, specific goals so you can guide your measurement efforts.

Select Appropriate Metrics

Choose the metrics that will both align with your goals and provide the right insights. Consider critical metrics such as cycle time, first time fix rate, mechanic output, and customer happiness. Tailor each of the metrics to your shop’s unique needs and goals.

Collecting and Analyzing Data

Establish a way in which you can both collect and analyze your chosen metrics’ data. You may need to use a niche software, but old fashioned manual tracking methods could work just as well. Ensure that the data collection process is accurate and consistent, as well as reliable.

Taking Action

Collecting data is only valuable if you take action based on it. Regularly review the data and note any problem areas you observe. Work with your team to write action plans and make the needed changes. This will help you address shortfalls and improve every aspect of your business.

Benefits of Measuring Auto Repair Processes

There are so many perks that result from gauging your auto repair processes. Here are just a few of the rewards you can expect:

Identifying What’s Blocking Your Efficiency

When you measure your repair actions, you can identify any of the bottlenecks that might hinder your workflow. Does a specific repair task take way too long? Do you have far too few resources in house? Then, you need to address these shortfalls for the highest efficiency.

Streamlining Your Daily Operations

Measure your auto repair methods in order to simplify tasks. This eliminates steps that are both needless and redundant. Optimizing workflow, resources, and communication helps your shop’s efficiency. This will reduce both errors and delays.

Enhancing Your Customers’ Experiences

An efficient repair process creates a better customer experience. Exceed your customers’ trust and foster loyalty by reducing their repair times. Increasing first-time fix rates and offering the best service also help your reputation. Satisfied customers are more likely to both return and recommend your shop to others.

Conclusion: Gauging Processes For Efficiency

Measuring your auto repair processes can both reduce your costs and improve your efficiency. When you track key metrics, find problem areas, and make data driven changes, you can streamline tasks and provide a better customer service experience. Do not count out the impact measurement can have on your overall success.

You Net Results

Contact You Net Results today, so we can begin the process. Book your own free consultation. Brian Gillis and our team will help you to start your shop’s leadership foundation. Our vast network of auto repair shops all work together to build up the industry. Let’s make this month the best month of your whole business life!

Strategy session - drawing up business tactics for auto repair

Are you feeling crushed under the weight of running your business? You’re not alone. Many auto repair Owners and General Managers wonder why running their businesses is so hard. But not all of them. What strategy is in play to create their success?

Strategy – Big Picture Planning

We often hear the mantra, “Work Smarter Not Harder.” What does that mean? Let’s talk about Strategy versus Tactics for a bit. Understanding the difference between them is critical to your business’s success.

Strategy is looking at the big picture planning you need to do before diving into the tactics. If your spouse wants you to build her dream house, you don’t just run to Home Depot and purchase a pile of bricks. If you HAD a pile of bricks laying around in the backyard, would you then start laying them out? No. You would end up with a disappointing mess, as well as an unhappy spouse. Not good.

When you want to build your dream house, there are specific steps you need to take before beginning the build process. First, you need to purchase the land and survey the land. Next, you will meet with an architect and draw out the plans. Then, meet with the builders, acquire the permits, and make sure there is money in the bank to pay for it all. That’s called strategy.

Tactics – Laying the Foundation

After all that, THEN you can begin laying the foundation. You’ll be counting the number of bricks you’ll need, setting up the framing, installing the infrastructure, hiring the electrician, and so on. That’s tactics.

If you try building that dream home without strategy or tactics, you’re screwed. It doesn’t matter how good the architect and builder are. Without strategy and tactics, you get stuck with analysis paralysis! You wonder why that dang house has become such a money pit.

How Do Strategy and Tactics Apply to Your Auto Repair Business? 

Everyone needs a strategy, from your technicians to you, the owner and managerWell, if you want to build your ideal company, then you need to put together your strategy. Once your business plan and marketing strategies are mapped out, you need to employ the tactics that will get you there.

Fortunately, You Net Results has the experience to walk you through both the strategy and tactics you’ll need to get your business to the next million dollars in annual revenue. It’s not an overnight project. It takes a lot of work. However, it’s a solid plan that will help you reach your goals, as long as you implement and take action.

At You Net Results, we facilitate coaching groups for auto repair shop owners. Together, we  can all reach a turnaround point. You will emerge from the experience of moving from a business owner to a confident business leader. Thus, you will eliminate the obstacles that hold you back. 

Are you ready? Let’s do this. 

To find out more, contact us for a complimentary consultation. Brian Gillis will discuss your business strategies and find ways to improve your annual revenue and company culture.

Daily Operations Process Webinar


SOP Review and Update

  • SOP – 0520 – “Top 10 Daily Operations for Making Money” by Brian Gillis

Powerpoint PDF

30-60-90 Principle

30-60-90 Principle

In this short clip from the May 20th, 2020 Front Counter Workshop meeting, Brian Gillis discusses a few scenarios that your automotive Service Writers might encounter. When your customers bring their vehicles in for recommended checkups at 30,000, 60,000, or 90,000 miles, Service Advisors must print out a checklist. During this regularly scheduled maintenance, it is important that both our front counter personnel and our technicians are as thorough as possible. Your car service system should always include making the right recommendations when you share the printout.

Car service system - returning key to customer30/60/90 Maintenance Discussion

The You Net Results members taking part in the call then propose some specific services we should recommend. What if the customer objects to your recommendation after that? Perhaps your customers who have read their manuals will reject recommendations when your auto repair Service Writers make them. “The manual does not recommend checking that part at this mileage amount, so I will opt out,” they may say.

Brian then guides us on how we should all respond when such instances as these occur. These are the must have core tenets in any car service system. They will build customers’ confidence, as well as maximize your profits, guaranteed!

Put the most effective car service system to work in your auto repair shop today!

Do you and your front counter team need repair sales training that is both hands on and in real time? If your profit margins are not what you wish they were, then the answer will always be yes! Learn the car service system that runs a successful automotive repair business, as well as how to teach them to your people. We offer LIVE online meeting groups via Zoom each and every week. They are also archived on our site for you to view at your convenience. Sign up for a free strategy session today!

Front Counter Six Series, Part 1: Thrive Not Survive

Front Counter Six Series, Part 1: Thrive Not Survive

The team discusses incoming phone call scripts. Why do we do it this way? Why practice phone skills? We talk about four reasons and eight rules for answering the phone, and three types of phone calls. Proper word usage is mission critical, and we talk about why!

Quotes from Brian

  • Perfect practice makes perfect
  • Hearing the smile in your voice
  • Motion creates emotion


Anytime Script – Instant Close – Why Phone Skills – 8 Rules – Oil Change
Powerpoint PDF

Challenge of Change, Part 13

Review parts 1 through 15 for details and thinking, then utilize the Recipe for Change.

Part 13 – Seven Step Transition Method

To reach your transition goal, climb one step at a timeNeed a method of managing transition? Please see the seven step process listed below, taken from Leader to Leader Institute’s Leading Transition article:

  1. Describe the change and why in less than one minute
  2. Make sure the details of the change are planned, detailed, and a time frame is set
  3. Understand who is going to have to let go of what and when
  4. Make sure people are given time to respectively let go of the past
  5. Continually communicate the purpose, the picture, the plan, and the part
  6. Create temporary solutions to the temporary problems
  7. Articulate the new attitudes and behaviors needed to make the change

So how do these 7 steps apply to you? Great question! The next change you want to make in your business is to use these seven steps as a systemic process for making a change. Take a test drive of the seven step process. Only then you will know!

The Recipe for Change

When you’re baking a cake, there are certain ingredients that are necessary for the cake to come out as planned. You need to follow a step by step procedure. Include all portions as described, mix as indicated, then cook for the optimum time and temperature. Any variation from the recipe may cause an incomplete and utter disaster! If you don’t follow the recipe, you will not get the results you were expecting.

When you’re leading your company and staff through change, a recipe would be very helpful, so here it is:

  1. You must be totally committed to the change (1 gallon)
  2. It must be well defined and written (1 pint)
  3. You must be willing to accept the push back and resistance (1 quart)
  4. Create the WHY story to sell to sell your staff (Five Pounds)
  5. Talk to them one-on-one (1 Tablespoon)
  6. Give them time to adjust mentally to the change (Let Marinate 1 week)
  7. Let them express their feelings (Snap-Crackle-Pop)
  8. Set a rollout date for the change to occur (Cook Time 10 Days)
  9. Have many training sessions before rollout (Mixing steps)
  10. Establish the change as a habit (Tasting the results)

This is a quick and simple recipe for change. Follow the ingredients and steps, and see what results you will achieve. Review parts 1 through 15 for more details and thinking.

Management is the formula.

Leadership is the essential catalyst.

You are the stick that stirs the ingredients.

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