
people process

Photo by Tim Mossholder On UnsplashPhoto by Tim Mossholder On Unsplash

We will soon bid farewell to the old year and welcome the new. Now is the perfect time to reflect on your auto repair business and set some realistic auto repair New Years resolutions. At You Net Results, we understand the unique challenges auto repair shop owners face. Hence, in this blog, we’ll guide you through some key goals that can change your auto repair shop and set you on a path to long-term success. Let’s examine them.

Auto Repair New Years Resolutions #1: Streamline Operations

One of the most crucial resolutions for an auto repair business is streamlining operations. This means optimizing your workflow, reducing unnecessary downtime, and ensuring that your team operates efficiently. Consider automating routine tasks, implementing a reliable software system, and providing regular training for your staff. Our Auto Service Advisor Training can help you achieve these goals, so your shop will be more efficient and profitable.

#2: Invest in Training and Development 

Your team is your greatest asset. In the auto repair industry, staying updated with the latest technologies and repair techniques is essential. Resolve to invest in training and development programs for your service advisors, technicians, and customer service staff.

You Net Results offers comprehensive training programs in order to improve your team’s knowledge and skills. That will enhance the customers’ experiences, guaranteed.

#3: Enhance Customer Experience 

Customer satisfaction should always be a top priority. Make a resolution to go the extra mile in providing excellent customer service. Encourage your service advisors to communicate clearly with clients, explain repairs, and offer honest estimates. Happy customers not only return but also refer others to your shop. Our ARA (Auto Repair Advisor) program equips your team with the skills to exceed customer expectations.

Auto Repair New Years Resolutions #4: Set Clear Financial Goals 

Financial stability is key to the long-term success of your auto repair business. Set specific financial goals for the year, such as growing revenue, reducing expenses, or raising profit margins. Regularly monitor your financial performance, then make necessary adjustments. You Net Results offers financial coaching to help you navigate the financial aspect of your business successfully.

#5: Embrace Technology 

The auto repair industry is constantly evolving with new technologies and diagnostic tools. Staying up-to-date is essential for providing high-quality service. Resolve to embrace technology and invest in the latest equipment. You Net Results can help you select the right tools and technology in order to improve diagnostics and efficiency.

#6: Implement a Marketing Plan 

Effective marketing is important for attracting new customers and retaining existing ones. Make a resolution in order to create a marketing plan for your auto repair business. Utilize online marketing, social media, and email campaigns so you can reach your target audience. Our website has a dedicated blog on “Auto Service Advisor Marketing Strategies” that can provide more info.

Auto Repair New Years Resolutions #7: Monitor Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

In order to track your progress, establish a set of key performance indicators (KPIs) for your business. This can include metrics such as customer retention rates, average repair order value, and technician productivity. Regularly review these KPIs so you can use the data to make informed decisions and improvements.

We Can Help You Reach Your New Years Goals!

The beginning of a new year is the perfect time to set goals for your auto repair business. By following all that we have mentioned in this blog, you can position your business for growth and success in 2024.

At You Net Results, we’re here to help you keep these resolutions. Our Auto Service Advisor Training and other programs empower both auto repair shop owners and their teams. Make 2024 a year of prosperity and excellence for your business by taking the first step toward improving. Contact You Net Results today, so we can help you get started. Book a complimentary consultation. Brian Gillis and our team will help you create the best marketing strategy for your business. Build trust, showcase expertise, and ensure repeat business. Let’s make 2024 the best year of your business life!

People in Overdrive

We discussed the Hexagon and the 6 triangles that make up the Hexagon, specifically focused on the People Process today.  We formed the top three gears that will drive that process forward.  We also spent some time specifically discussing recruiting technicians.
  1. Recruiting and Retention
  2. Ongoing meeting (STS, SMS, SBS, SPS) along with ongoing skills training.
  3. Incentives and Pay Plans.

People Process

  • 0601 – SOP – Recruiting
  • Recruiting Process for People
  • Keeping Your Bench Process Full
  • Finding the Best Fit Process


Powerpoint PDF

People Process

SOP Formation and Review

WOIT Discussion and Notes Formation and Review

  • 0615-5 – SOP – Unit 5: The Customer Visit
    To establish and define what ingredients go into creating our Recipe for Customer Visit Techniques and what it looks like, feels like, taste like and smells like in our auto repair business
  • To help everyone understand how it all blends together in our Recipe for Your Customer Visit.


Powerpoint PDF

People Process

SOP Formation and Review

WOIT Discussion and Notes Formation and Review

0615-4 – SOP – Unit 4: Counter Communication Skills

  • To establish and define what ingredients go into creating our Recipe for Counter Communication Skills and what it looks like, feels like, taste like and smells like in our auto repair business
  • To help everyone understand how it all blends together in our Recipe for CCS.


Powerpoint PDF

People Process


SOP Formation and Review

WOIT Discussion and Notes Formation and Review

  • 0615-3 – SOP – Unit 3: First Class Service Part 2 of 2
    • To establish and define what ingredients go into creating our Recipe for First Class Service
    • What it looks like, feels like, tastes like, and smells like in our auto repair business
    • To help everyone understand how it all blends together in our Recipe for FCS

Powerpoint PDF

People Process


SOP Formation and Review

WOIT Discussion and Notes Formation and Review

  • 0615-3 – SOP – Unit 3: First Class Service Part 1
    • To establish and define what ingredients go into creating our Recipe for First Class Service
    • What it looks like, feels like, tastes like, and smells like in our auto repair business
    • To help everyone understand how it all blends together in our Recipe for FCS


Powerpoint PDF

People Process

SOP Formation and Review

Mighty Large Imperative

  • Your Staff Development UNITS
  • SOP 615-1 Formation and Review and Review
  • UNIT 1: Mission Statement / Company WHY / Vision


Powerpoint PDF

People Process Webinar

SOP Formation and Review

  • 0614 – SOP –  Training Technicians How-to Write Tickets


Powerpoint PDF
Transolution Bid Sheet

Strategy session - drawing up business tactics for auto repair

Are you feeling crushed under the weight of running your business? You’re not alone. Many auto repair Owners and General Managers wonder why running their businesses is so hard. But not all of them. What strategy is in play to create their success?

Strategy – Big Picture Planning

We often hear the mantra, “Work Smarter Not Harder.” What does that mean? Let’s talk about Strategy versus Tactics for a bit. Understanding the difference between them is critical to your business’s success.

Strategy is looking at the big picture planning you need to do before diving into the tactics. If your spouse wants you to build her dream house, you don’t just run to Home Depot and purchase a pile of bricks. If you HAD a pile of bricks laying around in the backyard, would you then start laying them out? No. You would end up with a disappointing mess, as well as an unhappy spouse. Not good.

When you want to build your dream house, there are specific steps you need to take before beginning the build process. First, you need to purchase the land and survey the land. Next, you will meet with an architect and draw out the plans. Then, meet with the builders, acquire the permits, and make sure there is money in the bank to pay for it all. That’s called strategy.

Tactics – Laying the Foundation

After all that, THEN you can begin laying the foundation. You’ll be counting the number of bricks you’ll need, setting up the framing, installing the infrastructure, hiring the electrician, and so on. That’s tactics.

If you try building that dream home without strategy or tactics, you’re screwed. It doesn’t matter how good the architect and builder are. Without strategy and tactics, you get stuck with analysis paralysis! You wonder why that dang house has become such a money pit.

How Do Strategy and Tactics Apply to Your Auto Repair Business? 

Everyone needs a strategy, from your technicians to you, the owner and managerWell, if you want to build your ideal company, then you need to put together your strategy. Once your business plan and marketing strategies are mapped out, you need to employ the tactics that will get you there.

Fortunately, You Net Results has the experience to walk you through both the strategy and tactics you’ll need to get your business to the next million dollars in annual revenue. It’s not an overnight project. It takes a lot of work. However, it’s a solid plan that will help you reach your goals, as long as you implement and take action.

At You Net Results, we facilitate coaching groups for auto repair shop owners. Together, we  can all reach a turnaround point. You will emerge from the experience of moving from a business owner to a confident business leader. Thus, you will eliminate the obstacles that hold you back. 

Are you ready? Let’s do this. 

To find out more, contact us for a complimentary consultation. Brian Gillis will discuss your business strategies and find ways to improve your annual revenue and company culture.

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