
losing money

Sit down and study your business. Find the silent thieves and eliminate them!

Photo by Dan Dimmock on Unsplash

Do you ever feel like you should be doing better? Even though your business is so successful and so busy, you aren’t seeing the return you should be. This is a very common scenario, so don’t worry. We all get tied up in the daily operations labyrinth, and then we lose sight of the intricate problems weaving in-between. The truly frustrating thing is that the more you grow, the better you do. The more successful you become, it’s more likely your shop is losing money to silent thieves.

What if we told you that you are more than likely the victim of what we call “Silent Thieves”? When these sneaky business problems exist, they ever-so-quietly eat away at your bottom line. Silent thieves are process problems which go unseen and unheard beneath the hustle and bustle of daily operations.

Money losing “Silent Thieves” include poor:

  • Leadership processes
  • Management processes
  • Front counter processes
  • Staffing processes
  • Inventory management
  • Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)
  • How-to Manuals

The list goes on, and these may seem like obvious things that you already have documented. However, we consistently find that businesses do not effectively produce these processes across the board.

How do you get everyone on the same page when dealing with your staff? What methods can streamline your processes? How do you increase efficiency as a byproduct? These are all questions that you can answer by getting rid of your silent thieves!

How Can I Get Rid Of My “Silent Thieves”?

If it was easy, everyone would have already figured it out. Just like every superhero needs a sidekick, you need a helping hand in your business. Two heads are better than one, and sometimes, we become blinded to what is beyond the trees (so to say). Effective business coaching can help restore your business vision to 20/20; and beyond!

It starts with:

  • Identifying your KPIs
  • Evaluating your books
  • Examining your daily operations
  • Restructuring your Standard Operating Procedures
  • And more

If you can’t measure it, then you can’t fix it. That is, if you don’t know how big or how bad the problem is, then you can never produce an effective solution. But where do you start? How do you measure it, and how do you quantify those measurements? Don’t worry, because we can help you with every step of that process.

Losing Money? Worried You Can’t Turn Your Shop Around? You Can Do This!

Looking deep inside your business and coming to terms with the shortcomings can be a humbling experience, but that is the necessary step to bring you and your family closer to your dreams. Today is the day that you start. When we work together, we can do this.

You Net Results Can Help Stop Your Auto Repair Shop From Losing Money

Do you need help when identifying your silent thieves? Should you be doing so much better, considering how busy your business is? We are here to help – this is what we do at You Net Results. We take you to the next level in your business future by giving you the “YouTools” you always knew you needed. The real value lies in connecting you with like-minded auto repair shop owners spurring each other on to success.

Don’t hesitate to contact You Net Results today in order to set up a complimentary consultation. Brian Gillis and team will guide you through the murky waters of silent thieves, thus bringing you one step closer to your dream revenue. Let’s make 2022 the greatest year of your business life!

Silent Thief

Silent Thief

Is there a silent thief in your auto repair shop?You have heard us speak about silent thieves before. You Net Results’ game plan starts with helping your auto repair shop identify which thief or thieves lurk in your midst. In this clip from our Daily Operations meeting, Brian quizzes members on their own experiences. Is your auto shop losing money, but you don’t know why? Then watch this video and find out!

Auto shop losing money – silent thieves on the prowl

Brian opens up by explaining the concept of a silent thief, which is money leaking out of your shop undetected. He asks members what those thieves look like in their shops, starting with inventory.

Once Andy’s business started growing, he noticed that he started to lose track of inventory. His shop’s process of transporting waste oil for reuse, for instance, needed improvement. Therefore, he bit the bullet and invested in new equipment.

Joe’s parts were not properly being charged out, so he implemented a new process to keep track of this expense.

Then, Jim Ryckman talks about the priorities of owners and managers. Whenever the boss doesn’t manage time well, silent thieves can creep in.

Next up, Leon mentions labor inventory. In his case, this is a huge chance to lose money. Because it can be hard to keep track of, labor rates may be a shop’s #1 money loser.

Finally, Brian discusses one thief we may not have thought of previously. Let’s say our advertising is on point, and customers are jamming your phone lines. If your service writers don’t know what to say to them to close the sale, then you may as well be throwing money out the window. This is why proper phone skills and scripts are crucial.

A few tidbits discussed afterward revealed the importance of taking notes on procedures, as well as being open to change. Surprisingly, many shop owners still use pen and paper instead of computers to keep up with shop supplies and tickets. Doubtless, these shops must update procedures and conquer their fear of change in order to survive.

Stop your silent thieves!

Do these problems sound familiar to you? By now, you might be wondering how you can solve these problems. We have your answer! Try one of our coaching groups for free. Each week, you can join fellow shop owners to identify your problems. Then, apply our systems to start turning record profits!

Sign up today!

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