Coach helping Auto Repair Owner“No Yoda, no Jedi knight.” This quote emerged when Shop Owner Magazine interviewed our very own guide Brian Gillis. The management focused article Is A Business Coach Right For You? asks us all a very important question. Is retaining a dedicated coaching program the right choice for every auto repair shop owner in every situation?

Coaching vs. Training, And What To Look For

Training is event based. It can take place in one or multiple courses. Either virtual or in-person events count as training. However, coaching is about a relationship that grows over time. When you are vetting a potential guide for your automotive service center business, take a step back and consider the offer. Here are some tips to consider:

  • Never agree to a long term contract. Depending on the terms, they can be really hard to escape.
  • If the promises seem too good to be true, then they most likely are!
  • Personality wise, does this seem to be a good fit? Consider that you will have to communicate with this person on a regular basis in order to see value!
  • Are they pushing you to make a decision? If they’re pushy now, how do you think they’ll be if you choose to work with them?
  • Does the company offer a satisfaction guarantee?

Remember, a good coach wants your shop to succeed. Whether or not you choose them, their passion for your success in the automotive industry comes first.

Is Hiring a Business Coach Right for You?

Take it from Brian: Do not leave your shop money on the table. There are no silver bullets. You have to be transparent with the coach you choose. Also, you have to put in the work for them to help you. Now is the time for you to invest in yourself and your auto shop business. You need to hire your own dedicated auto repair business coach! Read the whole article here.

Is Your Auto Repair Shop Ready For The Next Step? Book Your FREE Strategy Session!

Brian Gillis - You Net ResultsYour independent automotive repair shop lacks direction. Maybe your business plan has stalled out, since you are not meeting your goals for growth.

You need an experienced automotive industry coach who can help you. So why not schedule a FREE business strategy session with You Net Results guide Brian Gillis? You’ve got absolutely nothing to lose, so sign up today!