

Leadership In High Gear


Today’s Topic: Details of an Effective Performance Review

As an auto repair shop owner, we’re sure you understand the importance of a reliable, efficient, and knowledgeable team. However, to find and mentor the right talent is more complex than ordering parts for a tune-up. But not to worry, that’s why we are here to guide you!

In this blog, we’ll share expert insights on how to build exceptional auto repair team, then guide them. If you ever need personalized help, schedule an appointment with us at You Net Results.

The Importance of a Strong Team

Before diving into the steps to build your team, it’s crucial to understand why a strong team is vital for your auto repair shop. A skilled team brings in the required skills, elevates customer satisfaction, and promotes a positive workplace. These factors directly impact your bottom line, making team building and mentorship non-negotiable elements in your business plan.

Recruitment: The Foundation of Your Team

The first step to building a formidable team is to get the right people. As much as possible, pay attention to the following:

  1. Identifying Core Competencies: List the technical skills, certifications, and soft skills essential for your shop.
  2. Advertising: Utilize job boards, social media, and industry contacts to reach potential candidates. Ensure your job postings clearly articulate the skills and experience you seek.
  3. Interview Process: During the interviews, assess technical prowess and soft skills like communication, teamwork, and problem-solving abilities.

Training: Equip Your Team for Success

Don’t stop there once you’ve found and recruited the right people for your company. Go the extra mile and provide them with the following:

  1. Orientation: Give new hires an overview of your shop’s operations, safety protocols, and customer service expectations.
  2. Skill Training: Use hands-on training and mentorship programs to bridge the skill gaps in your new hires.
  3. Continuous Learning: Encourage and facilitate ongoing training programs, industry certifications, and courses.

Standard Operating Procedures are also key here! 

The Key to Retention? Mentor Your Team

Many employers often overlook this part, but you shouldn’t. Your business grows significantly depending on how much improvement and growth is happening to your employees. To ensure this, make sure to embrace:

  1. Pairing: Matchless experienced team members with seasoned professionals for mentorship.
  2. Scheduled Check-ins: Hold weekly or bi-weekly one-on-one meetings in order to discuss performance, concerns, and opportunities for improvement.
  3. Professional Development Plans: Work with your team members to create personalized growth plans, setting achievable milestones.

Team Building for Mentors: Beyond Skills and Tools

As you train, also ensure you are fostering teamwork among your employees. Use; 

  1. Team Meetings: Conduct regular meetings to address issues and celebrate achievements.
  2. Incentives: Offer bonuses, raises, and other incentives to motivate and reward your team.
  3. Work-Life Balance: Promote a wholesome work-life balance with both flexible schedules and paid time off.

Measuring Success: KPIs for Your Team

Keep an eye on Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) such as:

  • Customer satisfaction ratings
  • Average repair time
  • Employee turnover rates
  • Revenue per employee

These metrics will help you gauge the efficiency of your team-building, as well as your  mentorship efforts.

Next Steps to Build and Mentor Your Staff

Building and mentoring an auto repair team is a long-term investment. Still, the rewards are many: happier employees, satisfied customers, and a healthier bottom line. At You Net Results, we believe in empowering auto repair shop owners with both the tools and the knowledge to excel. Our coaching programs are designed to address your specific challenges and provide practical solutions for achieving your business goals. When the landscape is competitive, you can’t afford to settle for a mid level team. Partner with us so you can make your staff your greatest asset!

You Net Results Is Here For You! 

Contact You Net Results today, so we can help you begin the process. Book a complimentary consultation. Brian Gillis & team will help you build your leadership foundation and plug you into a vast network of auto repair shops, working together to strengthen the industry! Let’s make October the best month of your business life!

General Manager With Horse Power


A good team morale directly impacts productivity, customer service, and retention!
How can I boost my shop’s morale?

People in Overdrive


Shop owners share pay plans for the front of the house as well as back of the house. How are associates being incentivized to produce?

Delegate concept with hand pressing a button

As an auto repair shop owner, you wear many hats. Often, you have to be the head mechanic, the marketing manager, and the CEO all in one. However, if you want your business to grow, you need to learn how to delegate effectively. 

Delegation is the key to building a successful team and freeing up your own time in order to focus on high-level tasks that will help your business thrive. In this article, we’ll show you how to delegate and deliver effectively as a leader. You will also learn how to build a team that can help you achieve your goals.

The Importance of Knowing How to Delegate Effectively

Delegation is an essential skill for any leader, but it’s especially important for small business owners. When you’re running a small business, there are only so many hours in the day. You can’t do everything yourself, and trying to do so will only lead to burnout and frustration. Effective delegation allows you to leverage the skills and talents of your team members, so you can focus on the tasks that only you can do.

Why is Delegation So Hard?

Delegation is not always easy. As a business owner, you’ve probably built your business from the ground up, and you may have a hard time letting go of control. You may worry that no one can do things as well as you can, or that delegating will take too much time and effort. However, if you want your business to grow, you need to learn to delegate effectively.

The Benefits of Knowing How to Delegate Tasks

Effective delegation has many benefits for your business. It can:

  • Free up your time so you can focus on high-level tasks
  • Help you build a more productive team
  • Develop the skills of your team members
  • Increase job satisfaction, as well as employee engagement
  • Reduce both stress and burnout

How to Delegate Effectively

Delegating effectively is not just about handing off tasks to your team members. It also requires careful planning, communication, and follow-up. Here are some steps you can take to delegate effectively:

Step 1: Identify the Tasks You Can Delegate

The first step in effective delegation is to identify the tasks that you can delegate. Look for tasks that are:

  • Either routine or repetitive
  • Time-consuming
  • Not critical to your core business operations
  • Within the skill set of your team members

Step 2: Choose the Right Team Member

Once you’ve identified the tasks you can delegate, then you can choose the right team member for the job. Look for team members who have the right skills and experience, and who are motivated to take on new challenges. Consider delegating tasks as a way to help team members grow and develop their skills.

Step 3: Provide Clear Instructions

To delegate effectively, you need to provide clear instructions to your team member. Be specific about what you want them to do, when you need it done, and what resources they have available to them. Make sure your team member also understands the importance of the task, and how it fits into the bigger picture of your business.

Step 4: Set Clear Expectations

Set clear expectations for your team member. Define what success looks like for the task, as well as the metrics you’ll use to measure progress. Make sure your team member knows how to report back to you on their progress, and what to do if they encounter any challenges.

Step 5: Provide Support and Feedback

Provide your team member with the support they need to succeed. Check in with them regularly to see how they’re doing, and offer guidance and feedback as needed. Celebrate their successes and help them learn from their mistakes.

Conclusion: Delegation is Key to Leadership Success

Remember to identify the tasks you can delegate, choose the right team member, provide clear instructions and expectations, and offer support and feedback.

With these skills, you can become a more effective leader while growing your business. Don’t be afraid to let go of control. Trust your team members to help you achieve your goals.

You Net Results

Contact You Net Results today, and let us help you begin the process. Book a complimentary consultation. Brian Gillis and his team will help you build your leadership foundation and plug you into a vast network of auto repair shops. We all work together to strengthen the automotive industry! Let’s make June the best month of your business life!

Auto Repair Staff huddles are a crucial factor in encouraging employee teamwork. Listen to our YNR roundtable discussion on regularly rounding up your Technicians, General Managers, and Service Advisors to make sure you are all on the same page.

Auto repair shop team huddles make a huge difference for your staff!Why Are Team Huddles Important?

Brian kicked off the clip by outlining why we don’t want to neglect staff huddles. When we do not meet hourly with our employees, the negative effects can trickle down to customers. Not communicating with your Technicians and Service Advisors? Then get prepared for chaos! Gaps in your customer service game, missed opportunities, and, ultimately, a loss of revenue will occur. Brian noted that when customers complaint about pricing, the issue usually starts with poor customer service experiences.

Second, Brian gave examples of key components from our Huddles SOP. When huddling, you may want to work with a board system. Of course, the General Manager must call the meeting to order, and employ a timer so the meetings do not last too long. Primarily, these meetings involve Service Advisors at the front counter. Occasionally, you may want to call together your technicians in order to resolve issues, or make sure everyone is on the same page.

Next, Brian asked YNR Member Leon’s take on staff huddles. Leon, an experienced shop owner, recognizes the value of this ritual. It allows him to stay in the know about how each job is progressing. Understanding such details as the need for more parts and the timeline until he can report back to the customer is crucial.

Ready For The Next Step? Book Your FREE Strategy Session!

Brian Gillis - You Net ResultsYour auto repair shop lacks direction. Maybe your business plan has stalled out, and you aren’t meeting your goals. You need an experienced automotive industry coach to help you. Then why not schedule a FREE business strategy session with You Net Results guide Brian Gillis? You’ve got nothing to lose, so sign up today!

Are your auto repair staff members just order takers? Or are they truly difference makers for your customers? Technicians and Service Writers must work together in order to educate customers on their vehicles’ needs. Only then can automotive repair employees make a difference for your shop’s finances, as well as your customers’ safety and vehicle life.

Auto repair staff exist to make a difference in customers' lives.How Can Your Auto Repair Staff Make a Difference?

Brian begins by presenting us with a customer entering the shop. Their vehicle is not riding smoothly enough, so we sell them a new set of sway bars. Big deal! Think of a waitress who only sells a chicken dinner to you. She doesn’t suggest a cocktail, an appetizer, or a dessert. Those items may have just brought our dining experience from good to great!

Just like the waitress in that story, the service advisor hasn’t made much of an impact. That auto repair staff member is just an order taker. They are not doing the most they can to help the customer, and they certainly aren’t making a difference in your shop’s bottom line.

If your auto repair staff want to be difference makers, they educate themselves about the make and model of the customers’ vehicle. They also take notes about the status of the customer’s car or truck. When they do this, they can inform the customer of necessary repairs they might not have even known they needed. Demonstrating the knowledge, then showing concern, is what gains a customer’s confidence. Only then can you rack up those “yes” answers, and earn the trust of a lifelong customer.

Learn More – Get Your FREE Strategy Session

Does your auto repair staff lack direction? Perhaps your business plan has stalled out, and you need an experienced automotive industry coach to help you. Then why not schedule a FREE business strategy session with Brian? You’ve got nothing to lose, so sign up today!


Leadership Process


SOP Formation and Review

WOIT Discussion and Notes Formation and Review

Creating a Strong Culture with One-on-Ones #0118-9

  • To create a systemic One-on-One process to build a strong culture within our company.
  • So all staff members feel heard and valued.
  • The best way to invest in each other’s success.
  • Helping people realize their work here is more than a job.
  • But a valuable position in our success.


Powerpoint PDF

People Process Webinar

SOP Formation and Review

  • 0614 – SOP –  Training Technicians How-to Write Tickets


Powerpoint PDF
Transolution Bid Sheet

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