challenge of change

Team Building in an auto repair shop

By Syda Productions

Team Building: Building A Team That Helps You Build

A well-oiled machine runs more smoothly and efficiently than a team that doesn’t work together. You may be the only employee when starting your auto repair business, so team building is key.

As your business grows, you will need to learn how to delegate tasks, and integrate team members so they feel ownership over their roles. This will help take your business to the next level while freeing up your time to focus on your own strengths. 

The first step to building a lasting team is delegating tasks and giving employees ownership over their roles. This allows them to feel invested in the business’s success. You want your team members to feel empowered to do their jobs without feeling like you are constantly breathing down their necks. Trust is key when delegating tasks and giving employees ownership over their roles.

Giving Your Team Members Ownership Over Their Roles 

An essential step to building trust with your team is giving them ownership over their roles. This allows them to grow and be responsible for completing their tasks and meeting deadlines. It also means they have the autonomy to make decisions within their area of responsibility. Motivate them to motivate themselves. Allow them pride over their position.

Decentralized business models are always more efficient than micromanaged and centralized structures. Gift your employees decision-making power and free the stress from your life.

Freeing Up Your Time as a Business Owner 

Once you delegate and give employees ownership over their roles, it is important to actually step back. This signals that you are serious about their autonomy. This can be difficult for many business owners who are used to doing everything themselves. However, it is essential if you want to scale your business.

By trusting your team and giving them the freedom to work independently, you will be able to focus on your strengths and grow your business even more.

Building a lasting team is essential for any auto repair shop owner who wants to scale their business. The key is delegation, integration, and giving employees ownership over their roles. By following these steps, you can free up your time as a business owner to focus on your strengths and grow your business.

Let Us Help Your Auto Shop Team Building Efforts

Contact You Net Results, and we’ll assist you in becoming the leader you always wanted to be. Book a complimentary consultation. Brian Gillis and his team will help you build your leadership foundation and plug you into a vast network of auto repair shops. We all work together to strengthen the industry! Let’s make October the best month of your business life!

What Makes A Good Leader?

Auto Repair Shop Leader - Show Leadership qualities

Photo by Gustavo Fring

Leadership is a learned skill. Almost anyone can start a business. But, not everyone can be a successful leader. What makes a good leader with solid leadership qualities? And how can business coaching help you develop your leadership skills and style? In this blog post, we will discuss what makes a good leader and how you can become one too!

The Features Of A Good Leader

Leadership is a quality that is often difficult to define, but everyone knows when they see it. In the business world, strong leaders are essential for success. So, what qualities make a good leader in business?

  • First and foremost, a good leader must have a clear vision for their company and be able to articulate that vision to others. They must also be able to inspire others to buy into that vision and work together towards a common goal.
  • Additionally, a good leader must be able to make tough decisions and weather difficult times. They must also be willing to take risks and learn from their mistakes.
  • Finally, a good leader must build strong relationships with employees and key stakeholders. By possessing these qualities, a leader can set their company on the path to success.

How Can I Inspire My Employees?

People believe that in order to be a successful leader, you must possess certain qualities such as charisma, intelligence, and strength. However, many other important qualities are often overlooked, such as empathy, listening skills, and the ability to inspire others.

To be a successful leader, learning how to inspire your employees is important. One way to do this is by setting an example and leading by that example. Show your employees that you’re passionate about your work and that you’re committed to making a difference. This will show them that they can be passionate about their work as well. Additionally, try to create a positive and motivating environment in the workplace.

Encourage open communication and collaboration, and make sure everyone feels like they are a valuable part of the team. By taking these steps, you can inspire your employees and help them reach their full potential.

How Can Business Coaching Help Me Become A Better Leader?

Business coaching can help you become a better leader in so many ways. A business coach will help you assess your current leadership skills and develop a plan to improve them. Working hand-in-hand with honest feedback and guidance as you work to implement your plan.

In addition, a business coach can help you identify your leadership style and learn how to adapt it to different situations. With You Net Results, you can gain the skills and knowledge you need to take your leadership to the next level.

Don’t hesitate to contact You Net Results today for a complimentary consultation. Brian Gillis and our team will help you build your leadership foundation. We will plug you into a vast network of auto repair shops, working together to strengthen the industry! Let’s make August the best month of your business life!

Your people are the lifeblood of your auto repair shop. They're not stupid!If you are looking to expand your team and grow your business, you must put your systems and processes in place, so new hires can learn them. Otherwise, you’re in for a surprise with people winning stupid prizes by playing stupid people games.

What?! Yes, that’s right. Let me explain.

How many times have you hired someone who you thought was a promising candidate? Someone who interviewed well, passed your criteria, and looked like a winner on paper. Then, you hired that individual and found later that they were poor performers. Or worse, you thought they just weren’t smart.

Do you really think they were airheads? Seriously, after all that vetting, do you think you hired a foolish person? I would argue that you didn’t hire a foolish person. Instead, you had non-existent or poorly defined systems and procedures in place (if any at all) — and that “ignorant” person was thrown into the fire with no procedural support system. 

After all, we don’t hire unintelligent folks. Instead, we have lacking systems and processes that make them look reckless, forcing them to underperform. 

In short, it’s not their fault. It’s ours. We failed them because no one is inherently careless. But too many business owners don’t recognize this, and they continue pretending. They’re winning stupid prizes by playing stupid people games. Here’s what I’m talking about:

Nicole Mason on Unsplash

Are the people stupid…or are the business practices?

I was talking with a shop owner recently. During the course of our conversation, he told me everyone he hired was unintelligent, and they never did what he told them to do. I asked him who hired them? There was silence on the phone. Was it the owner or the people? What prize do you think he won?

Quite frankly, it’s a foolish way to run a business.

Let’s rid ourselves of this “stupid” label and take a different approach.

If you were to build a house and laid the foundation before meeting the architect, you have a failed and expensive home-building process. Your systems and processes dictate your success, and we have seen too many small business owners jump into action without having a solid plan called systems and processes in place. That is why Standard Operating Procedures or SOPs are critical to the success of any business.

McDonald’s and other major fast-food chains have learned how to streamline SOPs in such a way that the average 16-year-old high school student can train in one or two days and become highly productive within their first week of employment. 

So here’s the question: What is preventing you from hiring intelligent and talented people who prove to you over time that they are worthy? What’s stopping your new hires from reaching success is your lack of Standard Operating Procedures guiding them steadily toward that success.

Let us help you solve your systems problems!

If you are genuinely searching for a streamlined system that will help your employees win, your business grow, and will lower your stress level, and you need to adapt well-thought-out systems and processes. When you work with You Net Results, proven systems and techniques that will help your business grow. Our strategies help shop owners reach their next million dollars in revenue and help their company culture thrive as well.

Who do you know that could benefit from well-documented, seamless systems and processes? If you know anyone who could benefit, including yourself, please schedule a consultation with You Net Results. After all, great intentions don’t pay the bills. If you are willing to invest in yourself and your team, you are on the right track in avoiding games that waste your time and money.

At You Net Results, we dedicate many training hours to business systems. Our classes and coaching sessions address how to reduce mistakes and prevent lost details. To find out more, contact us for a complimentary consultation. Brian Gillis will discuss your business strategies and find ways to improve your annual revenue and company culture.

Challenge of Change, Part 15

Review parts 1 through 15 for details and thinking, then utilize the Recipe for Change.

Part 15 – Discipline Determines Destiny

Real progress takes disciplineWhat disciplines are lacking in your leadership through change?  Is the lack of discipline the root cause of your challenge to change? Are you a highly disciplined person? What disciplines do you practice?

Purpose and goals are achieved through discipline. Start today on your road to discipline. There are many rewards to discipline: less stress, more productivity, positive impact on others, opens doors of opportunity and reaching your goals with purpose.

It all starts with you and your habits. Your people will do what you do. You cannot say one thing and then do another.  So it’s up to YOU!

The Recipe for Change

When you’re baking a cake, there are certain ingredients that are necessary for the cake to come out as planned. You need to follow a step by step procedure. Include all portions as described, mix as indicated, then cook for the optimum time and temperature. Any variation from the recipe may cause an incomplete and utter disaster! If you don’t follow the recipe, you will not get the results you were expecting.

When you’re leading your company and staff through change, a recipe would be very helpful, so here it is:

  1. You must be totally committed to the change (1 gallon)
  2. It must be well defined and written (1 pint)
  3. You must be willing to accept the push back and resistance (1 quart)
  4. Create the WHY story to sell to sell your staff (Five Pounds)
  5. Talk to them one-on-one (1 Tablespoon)
  6. Give them time to adjust mentally to the change (Let Marinate 1 week)
  7. Let them express their feelings (Snap-Crackle-Pop)
  8. Set a rollout date for the change to occur (Cook Time 10 Days)
  9. Have many training sessions before rollout (Mixing steps)
  10. Establish the change as a habit (Tasting the results)

This is a quick and simple recipe for change. Follow the ingredients and steps, and see what results you will achieve. Review parts 1 through 15 for more details and thinking.

Management is the formula.

Leadership is the essential catalyst.

You are the stick that stirs the ingredients.

Challenge of Change, Part 14

Review parts 1 through 15 for details and thinking, then utilize the Recipe for Change.

Part 14 – Look in the Mirror

Look at your reflection - are you the problem?Why can’t I change?  That’s a great question. It’s hard to answer, but there is hope. I was talking to a shop owner, and he kept telling me his people would not do what he asked them to do. He could not find people to work in his business, and he has owned this shop for 10 years. He was blaming other people, so I pulled the trump card and hit him between the eyes.

I shared with him it was HIM that was the problem. His lack of Leadership and Management skills were his biggest hurdle. By the way, he is working around 100 hours per week; I would say he is on a death march. As John C. Maxwell says, “everything rises and falls on Leadership.” Do you believe this shop owner can change his ways? Or perhaps it’s YOU and your business that needs to change.

Where will you start? What will be your pathway to change? What’s wrong with you? How do you shake the bad behavior? How will you turnaround your condition? Can you truly transform?


It all starts with your thinking, because your thoughts govern each area of our lives – emotions, decisions, actions, attitudes and words – any lasing transformation must begin with your mind.

You need a new way of thinking by renewing your mind.

You renew your mind by beginning a personal development journey.

When you think right, you’ll act right.

The Recipe for Change

When you’re baking a cake, there are certain ingredients that are necessary for the cake to come out as planned. You need to follow a step by step procedure. Include all portions as described, mix as indicated, then cook for the optimum time and temperature. Any variation from the recipe may cause an incomplete and utter disaster! If you don’t follow the recipe, you will not get the results you were expecting.

When you’re leading your company and staff through change, a recipe would be very helpful, so here it is:

  1. You must be totally committed to the change (1 gallon)
  2. It must be well defined and written (1 pint)
  3. You must be willing to accept the push back and resistance (1 quart)
  4. Create the WHY story to sell to sell your staff (Five Pounds)
  5. Talk to them one-on-one (1 Tablespoon)
  6. Give them time to adjust mentally to the change (Let Marinate 1 week)
  7. Let them express their feelings (Snap-Crackle-Pop)
  8. Set a rollout date for the change to occur (Cook Time 10 Days)
  9. Have many training sessions before rollout (Mixing steps)
  10. Establish the change as a habit (Tasting the results)

This is a quick and simple recipe for change. Follow the ingredients and steps, and see what results you will achieve. Review parts 1 through 15 for more details and thinking.

Management is the formula.

Leadership is the essential catalyst.

You are the stick that stirs the ingredients.