Brian begins by reviewing the some members only library content. Specifically, he takes us to Gary Gunn’s interview with Norm from our People in Overdrive section. Alongside the video interview are a series of document links. Brian reviews the Planning Form, then quizzes our members on their search for a new Service Writer.
He points out some of the sections in the form that could help the members on the call. Our members also give great examples of “hard” and “soft” skills which are necessary for certain jobs.
So many important skills go into being effective team members in the automotive industry. A lot of them may not come to mind until you start filling out the form. When filling out the form, do not overlook factors like basic communication skills, simple math, and computer knowhow. Even if you are hiring a mechanic or technician, these are crucial.
Plan your hiring process so you can build the right team!
Do not go into your hiring process blind! Sit down and take the time to consider all the factors you should in order to screen in the right hire. Perhaps more importantly, you will need to know how you can screen out the wrong ones! Prepare for a few minutes before you advertise the position. That will help you avoid many headaches later on!
Sign up for one of our membership circle programs to access the form, as well as new Zoom meetings with fellow auto repair shop owners each week!