Automotive industry Leadership in action: A general manager reviewing a work order with a technician

History was made way back on March 10, 2020. On that day, we held our very first You Net Results Zoom Webinar Meeting. Hosts Brian Gillis and Jim Ryckman discussed the automotive industry Leadership Process with our fellow auto repair shop owners and managers. This class laid the groundwork for our auto repair leadership methods, so please enjoy the three clips below.

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1: Automotive Industry Leadership – Introduction to You Net Results Guides


At the 4:30 mark, Brian starts the discussion of Leadership as a process. As you may have guessed, our proprietary Youtools are here to help you facilitate that process. Brian and Jim then take turns detailing how You Net Results came together. Jim reviewed Brian’s credentials in the automotive industry, before Brian did the same for Jim.

2: YouTools Leader Level Test


Next, Jim explains the six steps automotive service center owners go through to build their leadership process:

  1. Thinking
  2. Words
  3. Action
  4. Habits
  5. Perseverance
  6. Attainment

“Measure twice; cut once” is a phrase wise leaders live by. When you haven’t taken the proper time to think out your problem solving strategy, you’re tempted to go straight to “action”. Once you’ve gotten your thinking straight and written down your plans (words) in the form of your How-To Manual, you’re finally ready for action.

With a manual full of detailed SOPs for every action you and your staff, it’s now time to train those SOPs every day. This makes the using the right steps a habit for the whole shop. It won’t be easy. You need perseverance – mastering those habits – in order to attain the success you’re looking for. To most of our clients, that means a repair shop that runs on systems and processes, so they don’t have to intervene. They are free to take time off and focus on themselves, outside of their businesses.

What are YouTools? These are the processes that we will help you implement in your automotive business. We want you to grow your business, but also yourself. That means maturing from being simply a business owner to being a business leader. Remember, there are no easy “silver bullets” in this process; It’s up to you to do the work!

3: Leadership Level Test


Jim then goes on to explain the four levels of automotive industry leadership that business owners may occupy:

  • Level 1 Leaders work in the business directly. This could mean fixing cars, selling repair jobs, and ordering parts. Essentially, you are a staff member with a job, caught up in the vortex of daily operations. If you are happy with Level 1, then great.
  • Level 2 Leaders create a systemic approach to management. They manage their employees using that system. Staff perform most of the daily tasks in the shop, but sometimes the owner jumps in to help.
  • Level 3 Leaders are owners who are free from the daily operations vortex. They have successfully hired and trained a General Manager, who assumes the role of Level 2 Leader. These owners experience some of the freedom business ownership offers. At this point, shop owners are not needed in store daily for it to run smoothly.
  • Level 4 Leaders are totally free from the business! These owners have trained both a Level 3 Leader and a Level 2 Leader on all of their systems and processes. The leaders manage the service center for them daily. Therefore, the owners are free to do as they please. They are not needed in the shop at all for it to run successfully.

Remember, any level works for you if you are happy. However, if you need help ascending to the next level of leadership, You Net Results is here to help!

Learn More About Automotive Industry Leadership – Get Your FREE Strategy Session

Does your auto repair shop lack direction? Perhaps your business plan has stalled out. Looks like you need an experienced automotive industry coach to help you! So why not schedule a FREE business strategy session with Brian? You’ve got nothing to lose, so sign up today!

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