work life balance

How do auto repair shop owners achieve work/life balance - so they can stop and breathe?

Photo by Max on Unsplash

Business owners today can often get caught in a never-ending work cycle. You may have started your business with passion and enthusiasm. Over time, though, the demands of ownership can take a toll on your personal life. Long hours, constant decision making, and the pressure to meet customer expectations will leave you overwhelmed and burnt out. This is where achieving a work-life balance becomes essential for your well being and the success of your shop.

In this blog, we will explore a crucial component toward achieving your work-life balance. Delegating responsibilities to your team will empower them to take ownership of their roles. This can significantly improve your work-life balance. So what should you consider doing to maintain a healthy work-life balance as an auto repair shop owner? Below are a few helpful tips. 

Delegate In Order To Empower

One of the critical steps in regaining work-life balance is learning to delegate effectively. Many shop owners hesitate to delegate their tasks. They fear that no one can handle those responsibilities as well as they can.

However, when you do not not delegate those tasks, it can only lead to an unsustainable workload. That can only stifle the growth of your automotive service center. Strengthening your team by delegating tasks and responsibilities will give you more time for personal matters and foster a sense of ownership among your employees.

By gradually assigning tasks and providing the necessary support, you allow your team members to grow and take ownership of their roles. This boosts their senses of self confidence, and in turn, it produces a positive work environment. Everyone who works in house is totally invested in the shop’s success.

Consider Business Coaching

We understand that delegating and empowering your team may seem challenging at first. You may feel unsure if they can handle this task in your absence, or if you can trust them with some of the best things you do. 

How do we know all this? Well, at You Net Results, we are experienced coaches in the auto repair industry and have worked with numerous shop owners facing similar struggles. But the best news is that our coaching groups are designed to provide you with the tools and strategies to effectively delegate tasks, communicate expectations, and build a high-performing team.

For instance, our auto shop coaching process involves identifying your challenges and tailoring a plan that aligns with your goals. Through our guidance, you will learn how to recognize the strengths and weaknesses of your team members. In turn, that will allow you to delegate the right tasks to the right individuals, which will nurture their growth. As you gradually release control, you will learn how to fully trust your team. Then, you will have more time to focus on your personal pursuits and enjoy a healthier work-life balance.

Be Mindful

One important way that you can balance your work and life is to be mindful of which one you’re in. If you are thinking, “What? I know I’m at work when I’m at the auto shop…and I know I’m at home when I’m at home,” consider how many times you think about your business while at home. Do you add up your latest car count numbers in your head during your kids’ soccer tournament? Have you been thinking about some new marketing options during date night with your spouse?

Being mindful means you ensure that you are in the moment wherever you are at. It is impossible to have a work-life balance when you are mentally at work while you are “relaxing” at home! Just being conscious of this distinction can be crucial in helping you find your own balance.

The Benefits of Achieving Work-Life Balance

Regaining the control over your work-life balance can offer your shop numerous benefits. These benefit not just you personally. It will also boost your repair shop’s overall success. Here are some advantages that you can expect:

  • Reduced Stress: A balanced life decreases your overall stress levels. That leads to better decision-making and improved overall well-being.
  • Increased Productivity: By focusing on essential tasks and empowering your team, you will create an efficient and productive work environment.
  • Enhanced Employee Retention: When your team feels valued and trusted, then they will likely stay committed to the shop over the long haul.
  • Business Growth: With a well-functioning team, you can concentrate on your strategic planning, as well as scaling your automotive business.

Work-Life Balance Blog Conclusion

Finding a work-life balance as an auto repair shop owner is undoubtedly challenging. However, it is not an impossible task. Embrace the power of delegation and give your team the tools to own their roles. When you do, you can achieve a healthier balance between your own personal and professional lives. 

You Net Results Can Help You Find Balance Today!

Do you struggle to find a work-life balance and want to take the first step towards positive change? Then You Net Results is here to support you! We tailor our business coaching services to meet the unique needs of auto repair shop owners like you. 

Contact You Net Results today, and let us help you begin the process. Book a complimentary consultation. Brian Gillis and his team will help you discover your team members’ super powers. Learn how to delegate tasks so that you can get the work-life balance that you richly deserve. Let’s make this the absolute best month of your business life!

Work Life Balance - it's kind of like this.

Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

No matter how we work, whether virtually or onsite, we all struggle with time management. It never feels like there are enough hours in the day to accomplish all those goals we set at the beginning of the week. Finding the time to work on your family life is crucial. You can’t be your best self at work when you aren’t happy and fulfilled in your off time. That fulfillment is the essence of true work life balance.

Becoming a great leader means understanding how to be more effective with the time you have. Are there opportunities for improvement? Just like when we write our SOPs, we can structure our day more efficiently. Thus, we can go through the process more linearly, allowing us to spend more time with our families.

Work Life Balance – It feels like there aren’t enough hours in the day

Trust me; we know exactly how you feel. You see the clock ticking away and remember all those things you promised outside of work. How in the world are you going to get those tasks done, making sure you fulfill your role in everyone else’s life? It’s a struggle, but there is a way to take hold of the chaos.

We suggest you start by measuring your time, and then figuring out where the loopholes are. Physically time out your activities and develop a schedule where you meticulously plan certain tasks at certain times. You’ll be shocked just how much time you spend doing tangentially related tasks vs. tackling the objective at hand.

For example, if you need to respond to online reviews, don’t do it all day long; schedule a 1-hour period at the end of the day in order to tackle all of them at once. It’s too easy to stretch a short task into an all-day affair when we piecemeal every part of it!

Community support and business coaching through You Net Results

Lucky for you, there is a vast network of business owners who understand your specific trials and tribulations. We all experience it, and we share our methods of optimizing that work life balance. At You Net Results, we plug you into a vast network of auto repair shop owners that work together to improve each other’s businesses and share in this common goal of reaching our dreams. 

We’ll show you how to identify your KPIs, write and structure your SOPs, and design your work to match your goals in life. Retirement, family, and your next revenue goals; they are all interconnected!

Does Your Auto Repair Shop Need Help?

Contact You Net Results today for a complimentary consultation. Brian Gillis will help you build your KPIs and plug you into a vast network of auto repair shop owners. When we all work together, we make our industry stronger! So let’s make July the best month of your business life!