website service

Why Kukui?

During a recent Daily Operations webinar, we invited Luke and Carl from Kukui to present their auto repair marketing service to our clients.

Auto Repair Marketing Service – Useful New Kukui Features

First, Carl lays out a new feature on Kukui sites, the live web chat box. Since many customers are more comfortable texting than calling, it’s a great solution. Today, customers perform over 70% of all searches from smartphones. Therefore, you must have a mobile friendly chat feature in order to discuss services in real time.

Additionally, Kukui now offers a new automated message service. Shops can use time based triggers for declined services, follow ups, and recommended services. The text service is extremely intelligent, reminding clients of services they may have declined before. This is a huge get, especially if you are an independent repair shop owner. You can customize this in order to make it more personal for your raving fans.

Carl then outlined Lead Scoring. Shop owners can use this tool to create a 1-10 scorecard for service advisors when they make phone calls. This will both help service writers to improve their game, and train new recruits on mastering their techniques. You may figure averages per employee or shop wide. Control all of these via an easy to use online dashboard.

More About Kukui

Auto Repair Marketing Service from KukuiNext, our guests break down Kukui’s background and mission for the few non-users on the call. Kukui offers scalable marketing software that any automotive repair business can use, from single bay shops to multi-store operations with hundreds of employees. No matter what your goal is, Kukui’s team of problem solvers can get you there.

Carl drilled down the components that help shops get found on Google. Kukui sites are mobile friendly, fast, and regularly updated with fresh content. These are must have SEO (Search Engine Optimization) components, no matter what industry you work in. Kukui have partnered with Google to ensure their auto repair websites are all approved.

Additionally, the layout of the site is critical to convert customers. Properly placing a shop’s branding, call to action buttons, reviews, and coupons on your website is critical if you want it to bring people in the door.

Perhaps most critical of all, Kukui offers full analytics of how your tools are performing. When you know what’s working and what’s not, you can tweak your settings on the fly to take maximum advantage.

Email marketing is also key to customer retention. Kukui offers full featured email marketing, with easy to use templates and the ability to import your existing list in CSV format. Stay in touch by sending reminders, thank you’s, and special offers, or ask for a review.

You can manage reviews, whether they are from Facebook, Google, or other sources, from your Kukui dashboard. The service also offers automated postcard mailing and tracks your results. You can also automate regular social media posts, and you can target the right prospects with the Customer Maps feature.

Try The Kukui Auto Repair Marketing Service For Yourself

After watching this video, we are confident that you’re ready to take the next step. Your auto repair business is poised for explosive growth! Click here and hit the “Refer Someone for a Demo” button today to get started!