proximal goals

KPI - Key Performance Indicator for Auto Repair Business

Old Sayings; New Beginnings

We’ve all heard the old adage, “you can’t change what you don’t measure.” Ok, that much is relatively obvious. But where do you start? What do you measure, and how do you measure it? Who do you ask for help? Those are the real questions that we want to address when we talk about a KPI!

Asking the right questions in the right way is the key. We are identifying what the underlying items are, which move that vehicle towards the finish line. We all have “distal” goals (long distance goals we want to reach in the future), but we can’t reach them without first setting “proximal goals” (small, easily attainable goals which stack to build a foundation).

What are KPIs?

“KPI” stands for “Key Performance Indicator.” Your KPIs are the steps you list out that you have to meet in order to reach a greater goal. Consider your KPIs your proximal goals, and “double my revenue this year” your distal goal (ultimate future goal).

Identifying the right KPIs can help you break down a monumental task into tiny little bite-sized pieces which you can then easily take action on.

Let’s use “Getting Buff” as a fun example!

Let’s build some KPI for your Auto Repair Shop

So, you want to get ripped, shredded, built, and buff for the summer season?! Ok, easier said than done; that’s the definition of a distal goal, right there! Here is what we really need to do. We need a list of KPIs; smaller proximal goals we can use to get us there!

KPIs for the summer season:

  • Establish a budget for a gym membership
  • Identify five gyms I like
  • Call all five gyms and get price quotes
  • Select my preferred gym and sign up for a monthly membership
  • Set aside time to go to the gym
  • Research workout routines
  • Spend my first day in the gym

Now, this is a silly example, of course. But do you see how we broke the bigger goal into tiny little victories that we can check off? Doing this allows us to measure our progress towards our bigger goal. After that, we can produce easily digestible data.

We have seven KPIs listed. If we complete the first three, we can tell our significant others that we are 42% of the way there. So, it works the same for your auto repair business. If you have a goal to “double my revenue this year,” what are the exact steps you need to take to start moving the needle?

KPI and Business Coaching with You Net Results

Building KPIs can be daunting, and we understand that the process can be frustrating. How to start, where to start, and why to start? These are all great questions!

That is where we come in at You Net Results! We make that process easier than you ever imagined. We will help you navigate the complicated world of KPIs in order to get you to your next revenue goals.

Please contact You Net Results today for a complimentary consultation. Brian Gillis and our team will help you build your KPIs, and plug you into a vast network of auto repair shops. We work together so we can make the auto repair shop industry stronger! Let’s make June the best month of your business life!