norm bobay

People Process feat. Norm Bobay


SOP Formation and Review

WOIT Discussion and Notes Formation and Review

SOP #0605 and SOP #0609


PAHR (we call it the Boston pronunciation of “PAR”) is a simple 4-step process that we developed to help organizations improve their hiring processes and increase their hiring and retention success. In 2013, we decided to create a process that captures much of what our company offers and give our clients some choices they can make to fit their differing needs. Throughout the process, you will find options for you to use in your organization.It is not meant to be all inclusive, but rather a starting point for you to create an effective plan.

SOP #605 – PAHR (Prepare – Attract – Hire – Retain)
SOP #609 – PAHR Process Word Doc


Powerpoint PDF


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