going broke

Brian and YNR Member Andy read a passage from Gary Gunn’s book Turnaround Point – The Recipe for Going Broke. Are poor auto repair systems and processes leading to you ultimately shutting your doors? Read on for some tips to dig your shop out of the hole.

Are you going broke as an auto repair shop owner?Going Broke Discussion – Is It Too Late?

Andy opens the clip reading an account of Larry, a shop owner who was definitely going broke. His shop was not open on Saturdays, and potential customers instead went to a competitor. He also required clients to set appointments for their repairs. The reason? He was worried that too many cars in the queue would cause chaos that his staff couldn’t handle.

Brian tags in to read the hard fact that the automotive industry has changed. You can’t require every customer to set appointments anymore. Limiting your potential business like that makes you a “no” company. If your customers do not get a “yes, today” answer from your service advisor, they will take their money elsewhere. A six day per week 7am-7pm schedule is a great idea to help open yourself up to new business by adding convenience. Besides, if you are worried about handling more customers, then maybe it is time to think about hiring more staff and examining your current systems and processes.

In addition to understaffing and delaying your customers, low parts margins and poor phone skills are factors in going broke. Leave no stone unturned, because your livelihood and your staff’s financial wellbeing, could depend on it.

Learn More – Get Your FREE Strategy Session

Does your auto repair shop lack direction? Could you really be going broke? Perhaps your business plan has stalled out. Therefore, you need an experienced automotive industry coach to help you. Then why not schedule a FREE business strategy session with Brian? You’ve got nothing to lose, so sign up today!