

Today, we are discussing the essential duties of a General Manager!


QC: What steps are being done in your shop to promote Quality Control?

General Manager With Horse Power


On today’s Working On It Tuesday call, we talk about communication skills and number knowledge. Why must a General Manager possess these attributes?

General Managers and Focus on Customer Satisfaction

  • What customers satisfaction criteria do you have?
  • Is your staff empowered to resolve complaints?

General Manager with Horse Power


Mistakes that GMs make that you want to avoid!


General Manager With Horse Power


A good team morale directly impacts productivity, customer service, and retention!
How can I boost my shop’s morale?

This week, live on location from Montana, we are joined by a top shelf General Manager, Jared Wright! This was a great group session talking about everything that goes into the role of a GM.


Breaking Down Workflow and what the GM needs to be aware of and focused on.

1. Parts (inventory, ordered, when arriving)
2. Proper dispatching.
3. Speed of service
4. Sense of urgency.
5. Customer Satisfaction
6. Margins
7. Proper documentation
8. Board huddles
9. Proper sales techniques
10. Time management
11. Transportation solutions
12. Quality Control
13. Proper phone skills

General Manager Process

General Manager Duties & How-TOs #0305

  • Identify the duties of our GM
  • Identify the How-TOs to make it happen
  • Create an accountability list of items for training and measurement of the duties


Powerpoint PDF


How to Become a Confident Leader

Are you an auto repair General Manager who struggles with confidence issues? Then you must watch this clip from our members only General Manager Process! Our host Brian Gillis asks the round table of automotive shop managers what being a confident leader means to each of them.

General Managers sound off on what it takes to make a confident leader

First, Brian calls on veteran shop owner Jerry Kaminski. Jerry jumps right in, asserting that both owners and managers must continually examine and refine their systems. Our friend Leon then adds that regular training sessions with a coaching group are crucial. Jim Ryckman expands on that point that your group must be made up of like minded people who are just as passionate about the automotive industry as you are. If all parties are dedicated to studying and improving, then you will benefit from the time you have invested.

Edward, a successful Midas owner, chimes in to say that a confident leader must trust their own knowledge, as well as their shop’s processes. General Managers must ensure that all of their team members are consistently executing their processes and procedures. Following up is key.

Andy Arndt then reviews our company’s mission statement on helping general managers. Here at You Net Results, we are committed to teaching repair shop owners and managers how to become fearless. Jim Ryckman then continues by reminding the class of our 25+ years of automotive industry experience. We work with individual general managers in order to help them define what success means to them. Then, we step by step help them to reach those goals.

Finally, Brian reviews. He stresses the importance of surrounding yourself with the right staff, as well as encouraging them to learn and implement the right systems.

Want to learn more?

You Net Results is here to help you become a confident leader! Why not schedule a FREE business strategy session with Brian? You have nothing to lose, so sign up today!


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