front counter workshop
First Hour:
- Phone skills and role play
- Quick Close
- Is now a good time…?
- Oil change calls
- Anytime
- Tie Down
- How much…?
- Cause question
- “Need need need”, not “suggest” and / or “recommend”
- exploring PARP
Second Hour: Starts 1:20:00
- Super deep dive into the Accountability Checklist
- Item-by-item – all of the first column and partial of the second column, down to discounts given
- Pictures used to show good and bad items
- Advantage US – we are the seller and buyer
First Hour
- Brian gives the opening thoughts
- Attendee intro
- Mood Diagram review
- Price discussion
- You Squared Quantum Leap review
Second Hour:
- Front Counter Language items talked about: Yes, SOS and the Board
- The Board review and explanation by Brian
- Exploring the board review