financial report

Anchor Financial Process

SOP Formation and Review

  • 0407–3-SOP – Financial YOUTOOLS Review

So valuable Brian wanted to share it with everyone!

Massive Takeaways:

  • Just one more car per day
  • Must use all FIVE Tools
  • Page 6 of the Anchor (most valuable)

Questions answered:

  • Which comes first: Financial Savvy or Financial Health?
  • What do these have in common?
  • When are they used? Why are they used?
  • Why the ScoreCARD and the Anchor Report?
  1. Anchor Report
  2. ScoreCARD
  3. Daily Snapshot
  4. Budgeting for Profits Spreadsheet
  5. Trending Tool


Powerpoint PDF

Topics discussed

  • Overview of Anchor Financial Process
  • Overview of the Financial Reporting Process
  • The reporting template
  • The reporting instructions
  • Reasons to do it yourself
  • Brian shares some of his aspects of budgeting

Your money is in the numbers! Andy, Joe N. and Joe E. each share some of their valuable experience with numbers.

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