cost of doing business

If you’re watching this video, the odds are that you are an automotive shop owner. One of the ten knowledge principles we at You Net Results teach is to know your True Cost of Doing Business. What does that mean? You need to ask yourself how much it takes to build an automotive repair shop that is financially healthy.

There are so many pitfalls and mistakes that repair shop owners can make. It’s up to you to make the effort to understand your profit and losses, as well as regularly review your score sheets. Only then can you stack up cash and set yourself up for success long term.

Calculate the true cost of doing business for your auto repair shop business.True Cost of Doing Business Discussion Recap

Gary Gunn, AAM opens up this clip, in which he is detailing the ten financial knowledge principles. Knowing the true cost of business means knowing what it takes to be financially healthy in the automotive repair industry. Knowing your numbers, as well as how to read them, is essential for any auto repair shop owner.

He went on to tell a story of an owner in his class years ago. This owner declared that he planned to slash repair prices because he had paid off his shop’s building. Gary literally asked him to leave the class. This kind of thinking doesn’t come from a smart business mentality. Rather than subtracting from his monthly income, he should have invested the money he previously put toward his building expense. Stacking up cash today could mean weathering a major storm in your future, or even retiring early!

Educate yourself. Look at your scorecard daily, weekly, monthly, and annually. If you estimate your true cost of doing business too high, then you are putting undue pressure on yourself and your team.

Stack Up Cash In Your Auto Repair Shop!

If this sounds intimidating, fear not! You Net Results is here to guide you to learn the true cost of doing business and stack up cash for your shop. Learn more about our Anchor Financial Reporting group monthly program here!