
The Power of Consistency

Consistency takes workThere is power in mastering your actions. It gives customers the peace of mind that your auto repair shop will stand the test of time. You want the people in your personal to understand that your actions are backed by practiced consistency and dedication to your goals. This translates to your automotive business as well; how consistent are you?

How do you document invoices?

With Consistency?

Are you documenting every transaction and every invoice you produce? Is there a dedicated method for documenting invoices? Does your auto repair shop use an SOP for logging and filing your invoices? Is everyone on your staff on board with the process, or are things getting lost in translation? This is where you can really benefit from structure, which includes documented SOPs and Action Flow Charts.


Do your invoices lack details? Is it difficult to discern what information is relevant when you need to reference it? “The devil is in the details,” as they say, and this has never been more true than with your invoices.

What are your step-by-step procedures?

Where exactly do you start? Do you have the entire process documented? Have you written SOPs, and is everyone on board with following the process? A well-documented step-by-step procedural outline is essential for both seamless training and consistent improvement over time. 

Beyond that, if and when you sell your business, you want the buyer to know what makes you so great. Why does your business consistently achieves great results, and how can they replicate them when they take over? Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) serve as a handbook to all of your success, and, furthermore, they will net you a higher selling price when you decide to sell your business. They make it easier to phase yourself out of day-to-day operations, thus giving you more time with your family and loved ones.

Action Flow Charts – WHY?

How can Action Flow Charts help you run your shop?

We believe in the power of consistency! When you center your operation around effective action-based flow charts, it will create a consistent business. You can reduce bottlenecks and lead to a less stressful business future.

Communication is the key to success, so action flow charts fill in the gaps where humans naturally fail. It’s impossible for everyone to communicate perfectly, every time. However, we can design a system of Action Flow Charts, tools that fill the spaces where we fall short.

Through YOUR Power of Consistency

In the end, it comes down to your power of consistency and how ready you are to take your dream future into your hands. We all have a vision of what we want our future to look like, so let’s work together to turn that into a reality.

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You Can Do This – With Consistency!

The best way to get started is to start! We can help you with the process by plugging you into an invaluable community of fellow auto repair shop owners! Then, we will help you design your SOP and Action Flow Charts to meet your next revenue goals.

Are you having difficulty designing and writing your SOPs? Is it impossible for your to figure out your Action Flow Charts? Don’t worry, You Net Results is here to help you. This is exactly the value you get when you choose an effective business coaching program.

Contact us today for a complimentary consultation. Brian Gillis will walk you through the process and help you get started, connecting you with like-minded individuals, all dedicated to improving each other’s businesses and lives.