comeback tracking

Brian opened up this segment asking if any of the Action Flow Charts (all 50 of which are available for YNR members) in particular interested the group. Fred Wilson wanted to specifically focus on the Comeback Customer Tracking Form.

Customer tracking will make sure you know the history of comeback repeat customers.Comeback Customer Tracking Form and Technician Reviews

Once Brian brought the form up on screen, he read through each field with the group. The form covers any detail imaginable for a repair shop to track customers and their vehicle repair. Everything from the customer’s information and their concerns to the parts ordered appear on this Action Flow Chart.

Fred especially appreciated how thorough the Comeback Customer Tracking form was. He mentioned that he had all of these details listed in separate forms for his staff, but not all in one place. This form will replace several others in his library. Fred’s employees struggle with corrective actions in their systems, so it is up to him to proactively move that ball forward.

Jerry had a similar form in place for his shop’s SOP collection. However, he found the Corrective Action section to be a useful addition.

Jim asked the group whether the original technician should review this form after repairs, or if the senior tech should. The class agreed that the senior technician should handle that responsibility. It’s always a good idea to have a second set of eyes to review work, in case the original technician missed something. Keith mentioned that reviewing returns like this helped his team identify a problem part that AutoZone had been supplying them. Another owner added that both the original V tech and the A tech should review the comeback together.

Staff Reviews Of Comeback Tracking Form Information

Fred asked the group if anyone had a system in place for their whole staff to review jobs with this form in meetings. He mentioned that he had success gathering Front of House and Back of House employees pinpointing issues that technicians had missed. Brian mentioned from experience that it eased customers’ minds to tell them their comeback issue would be addressed in the next staff meeting. Want to keep save any chance of that customer staying loyal? Honestly explain the whole team will ensure their issue won’t happen again.

Ready For The Next Step? Book Your FREE Strategy Session!

Brian Gillis - You Net ResultsYour auto repair shop lacks direction. Maybe your business plan has stalled out, and you aren’t meeting your goals. You need an experienced automotive industry coach to help you. Then why not schedule a FREE business strategy session with You Net Results guide Brian Gillis? You’ve got nothing to lose, so sign up today!