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Leadership In High Gear

Focus on one of the driving gears, “Empowerment”


  1. Way to get some freedom
  2. Prevents micro management
  3. Relief of stress
  4. Takes the burden off
  5. Can focus more on the business and less in the business
  6. Staff feels important and takes ownership
  7. Less hours at the shop


  1. Ask staff members where they see opportunities, and get buy in. Ask for ideas and input to improve processes
  2. Provide parameters and allow decision making at different levels depending on position
  3. In-depth team huddles
  4. Teach staff that a presented problem should accompany ideas for solutions

How to follow up so that you don’t get burned by empowering associates

  1. Audit tickets
  2. Set parameters
  3. Listen to phone calls
  4. Inspect what you expect
  5. Monitor the scorecard
  6. Hold accountable
  7. Show by example
  8. Ongoing training
  9. Own the mistakes we make
  10. Be present / audit / checklist

Leadership In High Gear

Defining Leadership

What are your BIG 3 driving gears? The following was shared :
  1. Empowerment
  2. Inspire / motivate
  3. Casting a vision
  4. Getting “buy in”
  5. Inspect what you expect / follow up
  6. Praising, showing gratitude, and accountability

Question asked and discussed :

Can confidence be learned?
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