business advice

Auto Repair Shop Owners need help dealing with the silent thieves in their automotive business. Determining how they are losing money.

By Adobe Photo Stock

Lack of employee motivation, poor inventory strategies, and accounting snafus might not seem like they have much in common. However, they can all be silent thieves in your auto repair shop. By that, we mean that they can all lead to big problems when they’re not managed properly.

In this blog post, we’ll show you how to recover from these three silent thieves in your auto repair shop so that you can keep your business running smoothly.

Thieves Identified #1: Lack of Employee Motivation

One of the most common silent thieves in auto repair shops is employee motivation. When employees aren’t motivated, it can lead to all sorts of problems. Poor performance, low morale, and high turnover are all examples.

If you want to recover from this silent thief, there are a few things you can do:

First, try to get to the root of the problem. Why aren’t your employees motivated? Perhaps you have not challenged them enough. Is it because they don’t feel like their work is meaningful, or is it something else entirely? Once you know the problem, then you can start addressing it.

Second, try to create a more motivating workplace environment. This might mean providing more employee training and development opportunities, or offering incentives for meeting certain goals. Whatever you do, make sure you’re proactive about addressing employee motivation; otherwise, it will continue to be a silent thief in your shop.

Thief #2: Poor Inventory Strategies

Another common silent thief in auto repair shops is loss due to poor inventory strategies. You may have a bad handle on your inventory. If you’re overstocking certain items, or understocking others, it can eventually lead to big financial losses.

Start your recovery by closely examining your inventory strategies. Are there any areas where you could improve? Are there any changes you could make to reduce losses? Once you’ve identified some potential improvements, implement them as soon as possible.

#3: Simple Accounting Issues

The third and final silent thief we’ll discuss is simple accounting issues. Believe it or not, even a small error in your monthly financial statements can lead to big problems for your business.

To recover from this thief, review your financial statements carefully each month and correct any errors immediately. You should also consider automation tools that can help reduce errors and save time (and money) in the long run. 

These are just a few of the most common silent thieves in auto repair shops, but they’re certainly not the only ones out there. To protect your business from these thieves (and many others), it’s important to be aware of them and take steps to prevent them from causing damage.

You Net Results Can Help!

Contact You Net Results and we will guide you through the process of identifying, itemizing, and neutralizing your silent thieves today! Book a complimentary consultation. Brian Gillis and his team will help you build your leadership foundation.  Plug into a vast network of auto repair shops, working together to strengthen the industry! Let’s make this the best month of your business life!

Fail your way to success

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash.

All of us know that it can be very challenging to pick up new habits. However, anything that is worth doing may very well be hard at first. You have to keep in mind that every person has their own pathway and their own method of success. However, we all have one thing in common: how difficult that changing your mindset can be. Always remember that everything is possible when you put in the work to achieve it! 

What are some of the things that you personally think about when it comes to achieving success? Could they be:

  • more sales for your auto repair business?
  • increased car count, thus filling up your bays?
  • depositing more money in your bank account every week?
  • additional free time you can spend on doing the things you love?
  • expanded customer engagement by your whole front counter staff?

Advice for you from famous thought leaders

Here are some helpful videos which can help you upgrade your own success habits. We collected these from some of our very favorite thought leaders:

Simon Sinek “This Will Change How You View Success”

Grant Cardone “Tips To Become Successful”

You Net Results are here to help you form your own success habits

You may think that you have either good luck or bad luck. However, the truth is that your success will only come with the habits that you create for yourself! Remember that for a business to start, it will need both help and support from many different people. The team at You Net Results is always right here, and we are waiting to help you

We believe deeply in you, so we know that you can do this!

Sign up now and receive hours of game changing, habit forming front counter training each and every month!