

Photo by Tim Mossholder On UnsplashPhoto by Tim Mossholder On Unsplash

We will soon bid farewell to the old year and welcome the new. Now is the perfect time to reflect on your auto repair business and set some realistic auto repair New Years resolutions. At You Net Results, we understand the unique challenges auto repair shop owners face. Hence, in this blog, we’ll guide you through some key goals that can change your auto repair shop and set you on a path to long-term success. Let’s examine them.

Auto Repair New Years Resolutions #1: Streamline Operations

One of the most crucial resolutions for an auto repair business is streamlining operations. This means optimizing your workflow, reducing unnecessary downtime, and ensuring that your team operates efficiently. Consider automating routine tasks, implementing a reliable software system, and providing regular training for your staff. Our Auto Service Advisor Training can help you achieve these goals, so your shop will be more efficient and profitable.

#2: Invest in Training and Development 

Your team is your greatest asset. In the auto repair industry, staying updated with the latest technologies and repair techniques is essential. Resolve to invest in training and development programs for your service advisors, technicians, and customer service staff.

You Net Results offers comprehensive training programs in order to improve your team’s knowledge and skills. That will enhance the customers’ experiences, guaranteed.

#3: Enhance Customer Experience 

Customer satisfaction should always be a top priority. Make a resolution to go the extra mile in providing excellent customer service. Encourage your service advisors to communicate clearly with clients, explain repairs, and offer honest estimates. Happy customers not only return but also refer others to your shop. Our ARA (Auto Repair Advisor) program equips your team with the skills to exceed customer expectations.

Auto Repair New Years Resolutions #4: Set Clear Financial Goals 

Financial stability is key to the long-term success of your auto repair business. Set specific financial goals for the year, such as growing revenue, reducing expenses, or raising profit margins. Regularly monitor your financial performance, then make necessary adjustments. You Net Results offers financial coaching to help you navigate the financial aspect of your business successfully.

#5: Embrace Technology 

The auto repair industry is constantly evolving with new technologies and diagnostic tools. Staying up-to-date is essential for providing high-quality service. Resolve to embrace technology and invest in the latest equipment. You Net Results can help you select the right tools and technology in order to improve diagnostics and efficiency.

#6: Implement a Marketing Plan 

Effective marketing is important for attracting new customers and retaining existing ones. Make a resolution in order to create a marketing plan for your auto repair business. Utilize online marketing, social media, and email campaigns so you can reach your target audience. Our website has a dedicated blog on “Auto Service Advisor Marketing Strategies” that can provide more info.

Auto Repair New Years Resolutions #7: Monitor Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

In order to track your progress, establish a set of key performance indicators (KPIs) for your business. This can include metrics such as customer retention rates, average repair order value, and technician productivity. Regularly review these KPIs so you can use the data to make informed decisions and improvements.

We Can Help You Reach Your New Years Goals!

The beginning of a new year is the perfect time to set goals for your auto repair business. By following all that we have mentioned in this blog, you can position your business for growth and success in 2024.

At You Net Results, we’re here to help you keep these resolutions. Our Auto Service Advisor Training and other programs empower both auto repair shop owners and their teams. Make 2024 a year of prosperity and excellence for your business by taking the first step toward improving. Contact You Net Results today, so we can help you get started. Book a complimentary consultation. Brian Gillis and our team will help you create the best marketing strategy for your business. Build trust, showcase expertise, and ensure repeat business. Let’s make 2024 the best year of your business life!

Financials On All Cylinders


Treating your budget like a goal

  • What’s the difference between a wish and a goal?
  • Measure your budget to ensure you are on track.
  • Set small goals for individuals in the shop to ensure your budget is met, measure and share so that the goal is clear.

Measure and track each day.

Increase efficiency and reduce your costs by measuring your auto repair shop processes!

As business coaches for auto repair shop owners, we have seen so many shops ignore one crucial aspect. That is measuring their processes. Precision helps shop owners find issues and reduce costs. The bottom line is that measuring systems improves your efficiency. This article stresses gauging your auto repair systems, so let’s dive in!

Introduction: Insights Into Efficiency

Running an auto repair shop comes with its own set of unique challenges. From handling customer expectations to making complex repairs, there is a lot on a shop owner’s plate. However, many shop owners do not know the power of gauging the steps they must take for each and every repair. You can gain many big insights into what you do when you do so. Then, you can make crucial data driven choices by tracking and studying your key metrics.

The Importance of Measuring Your Auto Repair Processes

Listing Your Shop’s Own Issues

When you measure your auto repair systems, it will shine a light on shortfalls that cost your shop both time and money. Pinpoint the areas of improvement by tracking metrics such as cycle time and first-time fix rate. Do certain repair jobs always take longer than expected? That may show a need for either more training or a better workflow.

Reducing Your Costs

Cost control is a top priority for any business owner. This is true, regardless of what industry they happen to work in. Auto repair shops are no exception to this rule. When you measure out your automotive repair processes, it will help you to identify the ways you can save money. Analyze such metrics as your technician yield and your parts usage. Those could uncover many expenses you need to reduce, all without losing quality. This can then lead your shop to big time savings over the long haul.

Improving Efficiency

Efficiency is a vital component to running a successful auto repair shop. Measuring each process will help you identify your holdups and simplify your day to day operations. By tracking the metrics related to workflow and resource usage, you can adjust them in order to optimize your efficiency. This will lead you to both faster turnaround times and increased customer satisfaction. Not to mention you will see higher profits!

Implementing a Measurement System to Increase Efficiency

When you install a measurement system for your auto repair processes, it will require both careful planning and precise execution. Follow the four steps below:

Define What Your Goals Are

Start by clearly stating what your auto shop’s business goals are. What specific outcomes do you want to achieve in the future? Some examples could include reducing your cycle time by 20%, or perhaps increasing the first-time fix rate to 90%. Be sure that you define clear, specific goals so you can guide your measurement efforts.

Select Appropriate Metrics

Choose the metrics that will both align with your goals and provide the right insights. Consider critical metrics such as cycle time, first time fix rate, mechanic output, and customer happiness. Tailor each of the metrics to your shop’s unique needs and goals.

Collecting and Analyzing Data

Establish a way in which you can both collect and analyze your chosen metrics’ data. You may need to use a niche software, but old fashioned manual tracking methods could work just as well. Ensure that the data collection process is accurate and consistent, as well as reliable.

Taking Action

Collecting data is only valuable if you take action based on it. Regularly review the data and note any problem areas you observe. Work with your team to write action plans and make the needed changes. This will help you address shortfalls and improve every aspect of your business.

Benefits of Measuring Auto Repair Processes

There are so many perks that result from gauging your auto repair processes. Here are just a few of the rewards you can expect:

Identifying What’s Blocking Your Efficiency

When you measure your repair actions, you can identify any of the bottlenecks that might hinder your workflow. Does a specific repair task take way too long? Do you have far too few resources in house? Then, you need to address these shortfalls for the highest efficiency.

Streamlining Your Daily Operations

Measure your auto repair methods in order to simplify tasks. This eliminates steps that are both needless and redundant. Optimizing workflow, resources, and communication helps your shop’s efficiency. This will reduce both errors and delays.

Enhancing Your Customers’ Experiences

An efficient repair process creates a better customer experience. Exceed your customers’ trust and foster loyalty by reducing their repair times. Increasing first-time fix rates and offering the best service also help your reputation. Satisfied customers are more likely to both return and recommend your shop to others.

Conclusion: Gauging Processes For Efficiency

Measuring your auto repair processes can both reduce your costs and improve your efficiency. When you track key metrics, find problem areas, and make data driven changes, you can streamline tasks and provide a better customer service experience. Do not count out the impact measurement can have on your overall success.

You Net Results

Contact You Net Results today, so we can begin the process. Book your own free consultation. Brian Gillis and our team will help you to start your shop’s leadership foundation. Our vast network of auto repair shops all work together to build up the industry. Let’s make this month the best month of your whole business life!

Financials On All Cylinders

We revisited the hexagon, the triangle, the gears, and the teeth on said gears. Owners were to focus on their top three.  The following focal points were discussed:
1. P&L knowledge
3. Budget writing
4. Snapshot
5. Technician Productivity
6. Billed hours vs. last year
7. Gross profit
8. Setting yourself apart with benefits in effort to justify higher than average prices with First Class Service…

Auto Repair Shop Money Management might be an uncomfortable topic, but we need to cover it! Gary Gunn quizzes our YNR panel of automotive shop owners on how they can better manage their finances.

Repair shop maney management - not an easy automotive topicDefining Money – Repair Shop Money Management

Gary starts off with an unusual question for our panel of shop owners. “How do you define money?” It may seem silly to ask a question like this. However, when we get to the root of what money really is, we can take a deeper dive into repair shop money management.

When Pam replies, she defines money as an item we exchange in lieu of barter. We have assigned a value to it, so it drives commodities in our markets.

Fred measures money in time. Customers pay us for our employees’ time when they perform automotive repair services. We then pay those employees for their time. Finally, we pay ourselves for the time we put in guiding our team and steering the ship.

Joe adds that the government assigns money a value based on the gold that backs it. We can then exchange that valuable paper for a good or service. Jerry then uses the analogy of money as a fuel for an engine. That engine exists to move our business or personal life forward. Money management is how we fine tune that engine.

Gary’s Response

Gary makes the point that we can run out of the “gas” that is money and end up stuck on the proverbial freeway. Sometimes our business’s cash on hand can ebb and flow. However, our repair shop money management skills will determine will determine if we reach our long term destination.

Learn More – Get Your FREE Strategy Session

Do lack direction on repair shop money management? Perhaps your business plan has stalled out, and you need an experienced automotive industry coach to help you. Then why not schedule a FREE business strategy session with Brian? You’ve got nothing to lose, so sign up today!

Financial Process

SOP Formation and Review

WOIT Discussion and Notes Formation and Review

Today’s Think Tank Questions & POV Discussion

  • What are your BIGGEST Financial Challenges right NOW?
  • Mastering Your Results Financial Content Review
  • Online Library Financial Review
  • Financial $avvy Language Review
  • Anchor Report comparing YTD July 2022 to Dec.Year End 2015 and 2008
  • By using Sawtooth Page 10 and Page 6
  • Budget Spreadsheet Review of tab to create TCODB
  • Challenge for next time was to calculate your TCODB using the tab


Powerpoint PDF

KPI - Key Performance Indicator for Auto Repair Business

Old Sayings; New Beginnings

We’ve all heard the old adage, “you can’t change what you don’t measure.” Ok, that much is relatively obvious. But where do you start? What do you measure, and how do you measure it? Who do you ask for help? Those are the real questions that we want to address when we talk about a KPI!

Asking the right questions in the right way is the key. We are identifying what the underlying items are, which move that vehicle towards the finish line. We all have “distal” goals (long distance goals we want to reach in the future), but we can’t reach them without first setting “proximal goals” (small, easily attainable goals which stack to build a foundation).

What are KPIs?

“KPI” stands for “Key Performance Indicator.” Your KPIs are the steps you list out that you have to meet in order to reach a greater goal. Consider your KPIs your proximal goals, and “double my revenue this year” your distal goal (ultimate future goal).

Identifying the right KPIs can help you break down a monumental task into tiny little bite-sized pieces which you can then easily take action on.

Let’s use “Getting Buff” as a fun example!

Let’s build some KPI for your Auto Repair Shop

So, you want to get ripped, shredded, built, and buff for the summer season?! Ok, easier said than done; that’s the definition of a distal goal, right there! Here is what we really need to do. We need a list of KPIs; smaller proximal goals we can use to get us there!

KPIs for the summer season:

  • Establish a budget for a gym membership
  • Identify five gyms I like
  • Call all five gyms and get price quotes
  • Select my preferred gym and sign up for a monthly membership
  • Set aside time to go to the gym
  • Research workout routines
  • Spend my first day in the gym

Now, this is a silly example, of course. But do you see how we broke the bigger goal into tiny little victories that we can check off? Doing this allows us to measure our progress towards our bigger goal. After that, we can produce easily digestible data.

We have seven KPIs listed. If we complete the first three, we can tell our significant others that we are 42% of the way there. So, it works the same for your auto repair business. If you have a goal to “double my revenue this year,” what are the exact steps you need to take to start moving the needle?

KPI and Business Coaching with You Net Results

Building KPIs can be daunting, and we understand that the process can be frustrating. How to start, where to start, and why to start? These are all great questions!

That is where we come in at You Net Results! We make that process easier than you ever imagined. We will help you navigate the complicated world of KPIs in order to get you to your next revenue goals.

Please contact You Net Results today for a complimentary consultation. Brian Gillis and our team will help you build your KPIs, and plug you into a vast network of auto repair shops. We work together so we can make the auto repair shop industry stronger! Let’s make June the best month of your business life!

Financial Process

SOP Formation and Review

WOIT Discussion and Notes Formation and Review

0407-7-SOP-Credit Card Fees Profit Eater

Supreme Auto Care

Mike Meer, Shop Owner of Supreme Auto Care, shares what he has discovered
about Credit Card Fees.


Powerpoint PDF

Anchor Financial Process

SOP Formation and Review

Mastering Your Results Review

  • Fuel Maximizer Service Creation
  • ScoreCard Review
  • Introducing the Financial Recipe Spreadsheet
  • E-Myth FN-0060 Review
  • TCODB using Dec 2021 Anchor Report discussion


  • FOR Daily Operation Library
  • SOP Fuel Maximizer Service #0541
  • Fuel Maximizer Service Opportunity, when fuel prices are higher than normal – so we can help our customers achieve the best fuel efficiency by offering service that can make a difference and save them $


Powerpoint PDF

Anchor Financial Process


SOP Formation and Review

WOIT Discussion and Notes Formation and Review

  • State of the Shop delivered by each attendee
  • Budget for Profit Spreadsheet Tabs Review
  • November 2020 versus 2021 page 10 review
  • November 2020 versus 2021 page 6 review


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