
auto repair shop owner

If you’re watching this video, the odds are that you are an automotive shop owner. One of the ten knowledge principles we at You Net Results teach is to know your True Cost of Doing Business. What does that mean? You need to ask yourself how much it takes to build an automotive repair shop that is financially healthy.

There are so many pitfalls and mistakes that repair shop owners can make. It’s up to you to make the effort to understand your profit and losses, as well as regularly review your score sheets. Only then can you stack up cash and set yourself up for success long term.

Calculate the true cost of doing business for your auto repair shop business.True Cost of Doing Business Discussion Recap

Gary Gunn, AAM opens up this clip, in which he is detailing the ten financial knowledge principles. Knowing the true cost of business means knowing what it takes to be financially healthy in the automotive repair industry. Knowing your numbers, as well as how to read them, is essential for any auto repair shop owner.

He went on to tell a story of an owner in his class years ago. This owner declared that he planned to slash repair prices because he had paid off his shop’s building. Gary literally asked him to leave the class. This kind of thinking doesn’t come from a smart business mentality. Rather than subtracting from his monthly income, he should have invested the money he previously put toward his building expense. Stacking up cash today could mean weathering a major storm in your future, or even retiring early!

Educate yourself. Look at your scorecard daily, weekly, monthly, and annually. If you estimate your true cost of doing business too high, then you are putting undue pressure on yourself and your team.

Stack Up Cash In Your Auto Repair Shop!

If this sounds intimidating, fear not! You Net Results is here to guide you to learn the true cost of doing business and stack up cash for your shop. Learn more about our Anchor Financial Reporting group monthly program here!

Not investing in business coaching? You're going to change your auto repair shop results.

By Adobe Photo Stock

Investing in yourself is the best investment you can make. If you’re like most auto repair shop owners, then you’re always seeking ways to improve your business. The key to success is happy customers who keep coming back, so you’re always working to find new ways to increase customer satisfaction. But did you know that one of the best ways to improve your business is to invest in business coaching?

Business coaching is an umbrella term that can encompass a variety of different services. However, at its core, business coaching is about helping you identify areas of improvement in your business, while providing advice and guidance on how to overcome challenges. A good business coach will use their years of industry experience to give you valuable insights that you may not have considered on your own. 

Why Should I Invest In Business Coaching For My Auto Repair Shop?

But why should you invest in business coaching? Here are three reasons why business coaching can be a powerful tool for improving your auto repair shop. 

1. A coach will help you take an objective look at your business. 

As the owner of your business, it can be difficult to take a step back and look at your company objectively. You might be too close to the day-to-day operations in order to see where you need to make improvements. A business coach can help you take a step back and look at your company with fresh eyes, identify areas that need improvement, and develop a plan for how to address those issues. 

2. A coach will hold you accountable. 

It’s one thing to make plans and set goals for your business, but it’s another thing entirely to follow through on those plans and achieve them. A coach can help you stay accountable by regularly checking in with you and ensuring you’re on track. They’ll also provide support and motivation when things get tough. 

3. A coach will help you maximize your potential. 

A good business coach will want to see you succeed as much as you do. They’ll challenge you to think outside the box, while pushing you out of your comfort zone. This will help you tap into your full potential as a business owner. With their help, you might be surprised at what you’re capable of achieving. 

You Net Results Brings You To The Next Level

You Net Results coaches a group of business owners sharing one goal: to reach their business dreams. We bring the auto repair community together and actively share what makes us all successful. We believe in an abundance mentality and a sophisticated network of process improvements to your daily operations.

If you’re serious about taking your auto repair shop to the next level, then investing in business coaching is a wise decision. A good coach can provide valuable insights, hold you accountable, and help maximize your potential as a business owner. Ready to get started? Then contact You Net Results today!

Book a complimentary consultation today! Brian Gillis and his team will help you build your leadership foundation and plug you into a vast network of auto repair shops. Everyone is  working together to strengthen the industry! Let’s make November the best month of your business life!

New Years GoalsThe New Year is here, everybody. Let’s continue our discussion from last month and push a little bit further. Last month, we discussed “Looking Back to Look Forward” to see what had worked, as well as what we needed to change. This month, let’s discuss greater goals and what we can do in order to set ourselves up for a home run in business!

While many focus on more immediate New Year’s resolutions, like “get this weight off,” haha, now is also a great time to consider long-term “dream” goals we have as business owners. This is the time to start fresh and think about the future….the future we have always dreamed about.

What Is Our Ultimate Goal?

For many of us, the ultimate goal in our business is to sell! We eventually want to reach a point where we spend all of our time doing what we love, with who we love, as our business runs smoothly on its own. If our goal is to sell or phase ourselves out of daily operations, then how do we do that? What systems do we need in place for that to happen? What do we need to have documented for our business to be marketable to a buyer? Start thinking about the groundwork and what you need to do to make that ultimate dream a reality.

What Can You Do To Balance Work Time and Fun Time in the New Year?

We can’t overstate just how important it is to nurture our work/life balance. I know you might be asking yourself, “What work/life balance?” That is precisely the problem! Evaluate your life, as well as how you want to spend it. Are you doing what you love with who you love, or are you struggling to get through each week? Restructure some things, then find out how to spend more time with your friends and family. The bottom line is this: the happier and more fulfilled you are, the better you will perform in business, period.

How Can Coaching Help You Reach These Goals in the New Year?

At You Net Results, we believe in the small measurable goals approach. We take your giant problems, and we help you shrink them to passable road bumps. Everything is possible when you have the right team, processes, and emotional support behind you. You Net Results plugs you into an ever growing network of industry leading business owners who thrive on helping each other reach their next revenue milestones. We understand that we live in abundance and that there is more than enough out there for everyone. Take the leap and join us in this journey!

You Can Do This. It’s Proven to Work.

We know it seems like a big step, but we guarantee you it will be the most important one you ever take.

Thanks for taking the time to read this, and we hope you take a moment to evaluate how you move forward in the New Year. You Net Results is here to help you make 2022 the most significant year of your business life! Let’s maximize this daily operations opportunity.

Don’t hesitate to visit our website and contact us today for a complimentary consultation. Brian Gillis will guide you through the first steps towards making 2022 the year you always dreamed of. We look forward to introducing you to our incredible network of business owners and helping you reach the goals we helped them reach.

Did you lose something in the telling? Auto repair shops sometimes struggle with consistent communication.

Photo courtesy Ben White on Unsplash

Have you ever played the game “Telephone”? You start by lining up a group. Then, you whisper a sentence into the first person’s ear. They then whisper the message to the next person. The game continues until the message gets to the final person in line, who announces out loud what sentence they heard. It is often much different from the original sentence. Quite the exercise in communication!

At You Net Results, we know this game shows what happens when messages, systems, and processes are undocumented. Just like in the game of “Telephone,” something can get lost in the telling. When you don’t write down instructions, client comments, or repair orders, this is inevitable.

Communication breakdown

In auto repair businesses, it happens like this:

The Customer tells the Service Advisor something. Time is short. The Service Advisor doesn’t write it down, but they repeat it verbally to the Technician. The Technician may also skip documenting it, so they present the Service Advisor with new information.

The Service Advisor then reports to the Customer via phone. More back and forth happens, and then the Customer picks up their vehicle. Later, the Service Advisor is surprised to read the Customer’s one-star review. Why? Communication was not clear. They lost something in the telling.

How can you avoid losing something in the telling?

Do you see how simply repeating verbal information can lose accuracy? It is obvious how the customer felt wronged. How can your team reduce miscommunication? How can they improve clarity?

The answer? Use transparent systems and processes to document all communication. Enter repair issues through DVI reports, notes in your CRM, text messages, recorded phone calls, and other exchanges. When you do, you will reduce your chance of poor reviews.

Perfect your shop’s communication chain!

At You Net Results, we dedicate hours of training to communication. Our coaching sessions help prevent mistakes and lost details. To learn more, contact us for a free consultation. Brian Gillis will discuss your business strategies and ways to improve revenue and company culture.