anchor financial process

Anchor Financial Process

SOP Formation and Review

WOIT Discussion and Notes Formation and Review

Think tank discussion:

  • If a staff member asked you what you made each year, what would you tell them? Listen to the answers.
  • Plus Anchor Report Page 8
  • Supplemental Statistics Discussion

Introducing the YOUTOOLS BIG Three

  1. TENAnchor FinancialTools
    Connecting the DOTS
  2. TENFinancial
    Knowledge Principles
  3. Turnaround Point
    Finding Your Financial Points


Powerpoint PDF

Rollout for the upcoming Anchor Financial Reporting, and PPP discussion:

  • still many questions unanswered from when do I get it, how do I account for it on BS and P&L
  • CPA needs to help you with all of that
  • GS Labor discussion – where it goes on the monthly report? This is what the instruction say:COST OF SALES:  The cost of shop labor sold to customers Technician and (General Service gross pay…If they actually work on vehicles and you gain revenue from work performed.)


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