12 tactics

Leadership Process

SOP Formation and Review

WOIT Discussion and Notes Formation and Review

Taken from page 116 of Monty Moran’s book Love is Free, Guac is Extra – The 12 things Monty learned (You may enhance or modify any of the 12):

  • Select the first 3 to implement
  • Select the second 3 to implement
  • Select the third 3 to implement
  • Select the fourth 3 to implement
  • Make sure each of the previous are being executed before starting the next set of 3
  • Include all of your staff in this process
  • Don’t get in a hurry it never seems to pay off
  • Read each item together and get buy in before proceeding to the next one

Our 12 Tactics

  1. Be quick (page 216)
  2. Reveal your (page 218)
  3. Make HR (page 220)
  4. Watch how (page 220)
  5. Teach that all (page 221)
  6. Bond through (page 222)
  7. Follow up (page 225)
  8. Be there for (page 226)
  9. Connect deeply (page 227)
  10. Understand the power (page 228)
  11. Embrace fear (page 232)
  12. Keep it simple (page 234)


SOP: 12 Tactics
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