SOP Formation and Review
WOIT Discussion and Notes Formation and Review
Taken from page 116 of Monty Moran’s book Love is Free, Guac is Extra – The 12 things Monty learned (You may enhance or modify any of the 12):
- Select the first 3 to implement
- Select the second 3 to implement
- Select the third 3 to implement
- Select the fourth 3 to implement
- Make sure each of the previous are being executed before starting the next set of 3
- Include all of your staff in this process
- Don’t get in a hurry it never seems to pay off
- Read each item together and get buy in before proceeding to the next one
Our 12 Tactics
- Be quick (page 216)
- Reveal your (page 218)
- Make HR (page 220)
- Watch how (page 220)
- Teach that all (page 221)
- Bond through (page 222)
- Follow up (page 225)
- Be there for (page 226)
- Connect deeply (page 227)
- Understand the power (page 228)
- Embrace fear (page 232)
- Keep it simple (page 234)
SOP: 12 Tactics
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